Thursday, January 29, 2015

Galavant: An Incomplete Musical

I want closure! This isn't a musical without closure!

                   When I first started watching ABC's new musical comedy Galavant I thought "Wow! This is hilarious!" I kept streaming it on Hulu but then there was that cliff hanger ending! Not very musical-esque where usually you get a happy ending! I thought it was supposed to be a miniseries but with a cliffhanger like this: the hero and evil king on a boat, the hero's princess love locked far away in a castle, and henchman ruling with evil queen. 

Galavant is about to get whooped by a girl

What? That's it? Where's my closure!?

            Trying to sound as unbiased as possible there are facts that could prevent Galavant from riding again. One is the cost of such a musical production with costumes, set building, and filming on location. Then there's the extra cost for song writing and choreography. That being said there are reasons why Galavant should ride once more.

There's a softie beneath all that leather, Gareth

Because it's not a drunk song unless you're hammered

          Galavant was a great filler for winter break. A fun interlude with catchy, uniquely worded ballads and hilarious jokes. A few times those songs would get stuck in my head causing me to watch them again. The actors were well chosen as they dove right into their roles twisting their Archetypes into something unexpected and uproarious. And so many unanswered questions! Did Gareth's heart really grow two sizes or was it all a power move? Will Sid be saved? Will Isabella really marry her little cousin? And is King Richard one of the good guys now? Please these need to be addressed!

Will they be back next year?

They finally kissed they're meant to be!

         Musicals are all about closure. Everyone (not everyone sometimes) gets a happy ending; the hero gets the girl; and there's an epic musical number at the end to wrap it all up. But Galavant feels incomplete! We need another season to have closure. One more season is all I ask, ABC. PLEASE!

Don't leave us hanging, ABC. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Flash: Farewell Girder

A closer look at Girder

                   It hasn't been that long but The CW has already renewed The Flash for a second season! I'm actually starting to like this show despite my initial reservations. Now we've lost a couple meta humans along the way. The one I'll miss most will have to be Girder. Why?

Doesn't that suit give you a wedgie?

            Okay it sounds weird but I could totally have seen Girder and The Flash becoming best buds. Yeah he was a complete jerk and bullying is a real epidemic but you have to also see what's maybe going on in the bully's life to make them act this way. Maybe they're abused by their parents, see violence within their own home like dad beating up mom, or something that makes them feel insignificant at home that they feel the need to show they're the toughest. Girder went after Iris. Why? Because he had a crush on her and wanted her attention. Granted he went about it all wrong. Like I said he probably witnessed violence at home that he doesn't know how else to treat people. Then Barry revealed to his childhood bully that he was The Flash. Already there was common ground to build on. 

Screw The Situation

            Girder's death scene was kind of sad. Wells used Girder to slow Blackout down. Barry didn't know Wells motive. Barry found Girder lying on the floor and you could see the compassion in his eyes. As bad as he was Girder was still someone Barry knew since childhood. Then with his last breath, Girder told Barry to run. He could have made him stay but instead Girder decided to be noble. Barry was very upset to see him die.

RIP Girder

           Okay so maybe they wouldn't have been the best of friends. Frenemies more likely but it would have been an interesting relationship. I haven't read the comics so I don't know that much about the Flash universe, but I can't help but think that if things worked out differently Girder and The Flash could have reached an understanding.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Librarians: The Open Ended Finale

Time to bring the Library home

                I don't know about you but I loved the season finale. We got a perfect bow to tie the whole season together and we finally got a little deeper look into all of our characters. Thankfully they called it a season 1 finale and not series but the thing about The Librarian franchise is that like Stargate you can have open endings because there will always be another adventure; there is never a last mission so you could always pick it up where you left off or do a spin off in a time jump setting. Speaking of time jumps let's get into "The City of Light" and "The Loom of Fate" episodes.

Immortals lie! But pictures don't

        "And the City of Light" episode we finally got a deeper look into Jake and his issues with his family, mainly his father. How is it that Jake could be so tight lipped and may I say a bit judgmental with his fellow Librarians but can open up to a total stranger, Mabel? I suppose not only did he not feel judged, Jake found a kindred spirit. It's because of his family obligations though that he never travelled. So deep down he's a home town boy afraid to step outside past that same old diner. 

Stop flirting!

        And Ezekiel Jones may be a thief but the way he condemned the body snatching was pretty surprising as well as admirable. There are some lines even the great Ezekiel Jones won't cross, but we kinda knew that already. We've seen his heart of gold a few times. I feel Jake finally has some trust in Cassandra because if he didn't then he wouldn't have believed her theory that their experiment would hurt more than help. At last we see Jake go outside his comfort zone when he decides to see Paris; actually see Paris, France in honor of Mabel as well as for himself. Being a Librarian means sometimes you should go outside your comfort zone for the sake of sanity if not for curiosity. 

Dr. Who would be envious

          We're used to fantasy given the magic we see daily in the world of the Librarians but this episode was more science fiction. Tesla's inventions never cease to amaze (suck it Thomas Edison). And the team didn't win this one but Jenkins (who seems to be stepping out of the Annex more lately) gave Baird a log book for future Librarians to try and help Collinsville again once the generator recharged.

Time step outside your comfort zone

        Now we've come to the final installment. It's all lead to this! It all goes back to Camelot. Not really but it's the reason Duloque has been trying to get his hands on the Library's artifacts. So Duloque is Lancelot and Jenkins is Galahad! I had a feeling they were connected some how but I thought Jenkins was Merlin. Doesn't matter, Galahad was perfect. 

"I'm the Librarian"

Ummm do you guys want some privacy?

        Baird experiences different timelines where she's always the guardian but always dies. Also that Flynn Carsen has proven that he is THE Librarian in every time line even if he didn't have the job. Flynn fills in all the other Librarians' blind spots. Oh how funny was it when Jake kissed Baird and she freaked out. NOPE! NO! Still Jake was awesome. Like a reincarnation of Indiana Jones. In the other timelines Cassandra, Ezekiel, and Jake all proved that they are capable of being Librarians even though Baird died in all three of their timelines. So fitting that each got their own mini clippings book. All wounds have healed between Jake and Cassandra as he follows her out the door with Zeke to go on another adventure. They've grown to rely on each other like a family so of course they would leave the nest together.

Daddy Bird pushes the baby birds out of the nest

        Noah Wyle slipped back into his character like a glove as usual when he returns to guest star. He was very Flynn with his eccentricity and amazing charm that wowed and made us smile. He made us fall in love with Flynn Carsen and we continue to laugh and cry at his antics and his heart felt moments. Noah Wyle already stars in TNT's other series Falling Skies so if there is a season 2 then he could guest star on occasion.

It's been an interesting life...

        So it was wrapped up and tied with a bow but left us wondering about the future as always with the franchise. I do hope that TNT renews The Librarians so we can dive deeper into our new favorite characters to see how they fair in the field but if they don't then that's okay because we have some measure of closure. 


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Librarians: STEM Research & The Shatterbox

Has no one ever seen what happens in a horror movie?

              Apologies that I haven't been keeping up with the reviews but I've been fighting the flu or something like the flu because I couldn't get out of bed without wanting to puke. Anyway I decided to do two reviews in one article also the same for the season finale. 

I wish science fairs were this exciting in my day

        First we saw how our librarians could act as a team but now we've gotten to know them more as individuals; Cassandra especially got special attention. We got a look into her rough relationship with her parents. She hasn't spoken to them in years since her tumor. Jake and Ezekiel are still a bit of mystery but one hopes some light gets shed on them later.

This room has better decor...

What do you mean you didn't save me any cookies?

        As someone who ships Jake and Cassandra I was very put out that during Cassie's intimate personal moments about her past and her brain tumor, Jake wasn't there. To be honest though, I kinda forgot all about that brain grape until her nose started bleeding a few times. In the haunted house Baird kept telling Cassandra to hang back which sort of made her feel bad. She was struggling with the same guilt of betraying them the first time around and we know Cassie is really sorry about that and is trying extra hard to make up for it. Stone's name came up (shame on you, Jake!). I don't know about you but I forgave Cassandra as soon as she saved Flynn's life. But Cassandra ended up saving the day so hopefully despite Jake's original thought to never trust her, she's gained back at least a smidgen of it.  

Cassandra is a kid in a candy store

        Now I feel like I've been focusing on "The Rule of Three" episode so lets look deeper into the "Heart of Darkness"...if you dare... 

Yes run AWAY from the murder house!

Think we need to call the Winchesters?

        Like I said it felt like a Cassandra-central episode but why not? She's the only one of the team that faces death every day with the thought that she could die at any time now. Her life is on a clock (we all are) but her fear and dealing with death allowed her to come through for the team. Baird didn't realize that Katie was the house's dark heart that turned this house of happiness and need into one of nightmares. So it seemed to benefit the team more that Cassandra spend time with a serial killer while everyone else was running around like headless chickens (is that a pun?). Katie called herself the Angel of Death but Cassandra deals with death every day so she could stand up to the little psycho bitch. Cassandra had the ingenuity and sense to actually speak to the house discovering it's original purpose, which helped her help it get rid of Katie. 

Easy Wolverine Mommy

This is the bullshit-o-meter. It detects your total bullshit

        No one takes a day off at the Annex! There were some bright moments of hilarity and the team connecting with people outside their group. Cassandra really connected with one young girl who stood up to her wolverine mom who was foaming at the mouth. At least Cassandra could take comfort in the fact she added an adjective to a fellow smart girl's personality. Jake offered some romantic advice to a kid in need. I wish Christian Kane would recite poetry to me *sigh*. How sweet was it that Ezekiel stole Cassandra that trophy to cheer her up? Awwwww. I wish it was Stone though.

Jenkins is not a people person

        Then there's the mysterious Jenkins. He doesn't get out of the Annex much but when he does he likes to satisfy his sugar cravings. But there was an unexpected guest. Morgan LeFay shows up to rattle Jenkins's cage. Jenkins isn't the warmest guy of the group but the way he berated Baird for letting Morgan get away (in the process saving hundreds of people) was just plain mean and in poor form. Eve isn't the hit man or Jenkins's personal henchman she's the guardian and guardians protect first. So first Dulaque then Morgan LeFey? Anyone else getting a Camelot vibe? The mystery of Jenkins is becoming more clear but we have more questions.

Why can't Jake recite poetry to Cassandra???
        Tomorrow I promise to get out the review about the 2 hour season finale. It all comes down to this!

Never a dull day, not even at a science fair

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

TVD: Sheriff Forbes the New Vampire in Town?

Forget the gun this sheriff has fangs

                    Living in Mystic Falls the number 1 cause of death is "animal attack". I thought for sure Sheriff Liz Forbes would die this way but someone upstairs was looking out for Liz. But the Reaper has come to collect. Liz has a brain tumor; terminal. No option except to make her comfortable. However, Caroline is stubborn (as we all know) and she's not ready to lose another parent yet. So that leaves only one option: Sheriff Forbes could become Mystic Falls' new vampire resident.

Sheriff Forbes protects everyone even the fanged residents

            There have been a few rumors spreading around that Sheriff Forbes could be the new vampire in town. This opens up some story lines. Bill didn't want to spend eternity as the thing he hated but Liz was open to having a vampire daughter. Maybe she'll be open to spending eternity with her? Or she could be like Bill and want the natural way out. Yet let's look at what would happen if Liz became a vampire.

To think, Liz used to hate vampires

          It would even the playing field a bit. Having a sheriff that is a vampire protect the town from vampires is handy. Although the remaining founding family members may not be happy... Ah Hell let's face it: they have no luck in killing off vampires. Seriously they all seem incompetent except maybe members of the Fells and Forbes, but they're the only ones. The Council should be like: if you can't beat them, join them. Do like New Orleans where they allow vampires to live there in exchange for protecting the town, all the blood they can eat. This transition would open new possibilities for the town and new material story wise. Matt would be uneasy about such an alliance as we all know his feelings on vampires. 

They're so close now we don't want to lose that

        It would be awesome to have Sheriff Liz Forbes join the blood sucking family. Caroline would definitely push the idea on her mom. They've been nothing but closer ever since Caroline became a vampire and she wouldn't want to lose that. Still it'll come down to what Liz wants to do. She may hold onto the belief that parents are not supposed to outlive their children; the natural order and all that. Character deaths are meant to move the story and challenge other characters, see the affect of such a depressing change in their lives. We'll see what happens. 

The Originals: What if Elijah Had Turned Tatia?

I choose you, Elijah, forever...
                      I love playing around with "What ifs" and one I've been thinking over ever since The Originals "Red Door" episode is: What if Elijah didn't kill Tatia but turned her instead? For one thing Nina Dobrev would have had more work to do playing more doppelgängers. However, some things would have turned out differently... maybe.

She's MY girl, Klaus. Back off of Tatia

               Tatia turning into a vampire would have turned into an eternal love triangle between her, Elijah and Klaus (not unlike with Elena, Stefan, and Damon). Tatia also had a daughter so her bloodline would continue and we'd still get Katherine and Elena. Of course Klaus being the immature, petulant child that he used to be before he became a dad, I wouldn't have put it past him to dagger Elijah in a jealous rage forcing Tatia to leave in horror. We also have to take into account that it was Tatia's doppelgänger blood that was used to bind Klaus in the Hybrid Curse. We've seen in TVD that the doppelgänger blood is still valuable, vampire or not. Either way Esther would have used Tatia's blood. But if she didn't then Klaus would still be a lonely hybrid. So let's theorize that Esther did use Tatia's vampire doppelgänger blood to bind Klaus.

That better be a love bite, Klaus

            About 500 years later, Tatia may not be around. Just off somewhere keeping track of her blood line or just exploring because as I've said before Klaus would have daggered Elijah but most definitely he would have un-daggered him because Klaus is lonely and Elijah was the only one of his brothers to actually protect him from their abusive father. So in comes Katherine. Not sure Elijah would have fallen in love with Katherine the way he did before because he would still hold a torch for Tatia whom he would secretly meet through out the centuries. Tatia would argue with Elijah of course about his allegiance to Klaus. This would have put a strain on their relationship. Klaus would probably still have feelings for Tatia. As we've seen with his rivalry with Tyler, by this time Klaus would feel like he could charm Tatia especially if she and Elijah were over. But then he'd ruin it by killing Katherine, break the Hybrid Curse then Elena is born 500 years later but Damon and Stefan wouldn't be there to help her fend off Klaus.

Klaus has an unhealthy obsession with Petrovas

         OR because Klaus loves Tatia he would allow her to find a way that Katherine would survive. So Katherine remains human! But Damon and Stefan are still dead. UNLESS Tatia makes Katherine a vampire. Tatia, like Elijah has a dedication to family so she would protect her bloodline. Yet we have to remember that each doppelgänger is a little different so Katherine would have probably still turned out to be a bitch. Stefan and Damon will become vampires and we come to present day. And Elijah would be the origin of our heroes' bloodline so they could definitely kill Klaus without fuss.

You never forget your first love

        Either way Elena is found. If Klaus broke the Hybrid Curse then he would need her human doppelgänger blood. He would set up shop in Mystic Falls and Elena meets Tatia. Katherine would have pissed Klaus off at some point or he would sleep with her as some way of having Tatia who would still not give in to having a relationship. She (Tatia) would probably still be with Elijah to Klaus's chagrin (like I said, it's the Damon, Elena, Stefan love triangle all over again). I still see Klaus turning Tyler into a hybrid. He would maybe have a fling with Caroline (if Katherine didn't turn her into a vampire) or maybe try a relationship with her. So maybe Klaroline would happen. We have to take into account that Tatia would decide to stick around Mystic Falls to protect her family members so Klaus would see her all the time, not getting over his feelings for her.

Turn into a vampire or dinner, your choice.

         Sounds a bit messy because of so many unknown variables. A few details changed and we could still have the ships we have now. The only big changes would be that Katherine, Damon, Stefan, and Caroline would be descended from Elijah instead of Klaus. Also Elijah would be with Tatia and never meet Hayley and Hope would never have been born. UNLESS Klaus has a fling with some other werewolf or witch or human in Mystic Falls. Feel free to discuss this possibility or correct me in some points I don't mind.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Once Upon A Time: Queens of Darkness or Just Drama Queens?

Should I be offended that most of these villains are bat crazy women?
                     After the Frozen cross over onto ABC's Once Upon A Time I thought, "Okay, this feels a little desperate for no reason." Truthfully it felt too soon to include the story of Frozen but it did open a storyline we were dying to uncover: who wrote Henry's Fairytale book? Who is the Author? So yeah I'll let Frozen slide but these Queens of Darkness? Feels like they're grasping at straws. 

            I have a sister who's really into that video game Kingdom Hearts which includes the Final Fantasy and Disney Film universes together. With the Disney universe comes a vast amount of worlds and dimensions we'll call alternate time lines because most of Disney's films are based off of Grimm Fairytales (some novels like Peter Pan and The Jungle Bookwhich take place in our world. So occasionally you'll get a normal non-magical villain but that doesn't mean they should just magically pop up with other villains. 

Hey you look different. Usually you're a phantom or a dragon

          We've heard her mentioned and saw her once (if you don't count the many times our heroes had to go below the library and face the crazy phantom), Maleficent will finally enter into play. I'm cool with that because like the Evil Queen of Snow White she's perhaps one of the most well known of the Disney Pantheon. They have similar stories involving a sleeping curse and a powerful sorceress. Sleeping Beauty is one of the top stories little girls (and the world) first learn about so yeah bring on Maleficent! See what she can do! Then there's Ursula...

I'm digging the hair though. Perfect!

            I didn't expect to see her to be honest but glad that she's making an appearance. It's kinda confusing a little I'll admit because Ariel mentioned that there was a sea goddess named Ursula who comes off as a more benevolent character as she allows mer-people to walk on land once a year. But like all goddesses she doesn't like pretenders or those stealing the spot light so Regina had a scary encounter with the goddess Ursula who threatened her to never pose as her again or else! Hopefully we get into the sea witch Ursula's background a little. In the original script of The Little Mermaid, Ursula and Trident are brother and sister so maybe we'll see that story in the show. But then there's Cruella DeVille.

What this woman really needs is psychiatric help

           Come on! I admit the song's catchy but do we have to include an animal murderer with an obsession with furs (is there a term for that by the way)? I don't really see Cruella as an evil sorceress. Yeah she's pretty evil but mostly to animals (specifically dogs). She doesn't have magic powers or anything. Yes we did Alice in Wonderland and she doesn't have powers. But she stumbled into a crazy, supernatural dimension so yes I let that slide! We met Ursula in an aquarium dealing out chum. That's funny and ironic. Where are we going to meet Cruella? A fur coat shop? Practically her heaven? Don't really see any reason for her to be there other than a need to have three queens (rule of three). 

Bitches, please!

          I feel there are plenty of other evil queens we could have used for this new story line. Maybe the writers wanted to experiment. It happens but sometimes it feels weird or it just doesn't turn out well. I'm just saying adding the psychotic, fur obsessed, pun-named queen was a bit out of the blue. Hey it could end up being a great storyline. Kingdom Hearts turned out great so maybe this one will too so I'll wait until March and see how it turns out.  

Monday, January 12, 2015

Sleepy Hollow: Every Ship is Where It Should Be

What? We're not meant to be together? Go figure

                   After Sleepy Hollow's return I see some ships coming in. I'm not one of those fans (although I respect all ships) who really want Abby and Crane together. I know their characters well enough to realize that Ichabod is in love with his wife and that won't change (unless she dies). And then there's Hawley's sudden change in sister when he shows interest in Jenny again where we know he has feelings for Abby. Since Irving has returned, I feel like some ships are about to come in.

Hawley doesn't know what he wants

          Here's why Jenny and Hawley are wrong for each other: They're both too much alike. Both are complete disasters who are impulsive and are especially bad when it comes to trusting others and by extension a healthy relationship. They need anchors which is where Irving and Abby come in for each of these outlaws.

Come on, Hawley don't back down from this challenge

        Hawley & Abby: They are very right for each other. Complete opposites who can balance each other out. They have a shared energy and together that energy can move mountains. Abby needs to loosen up though. She's too much of a soldier and we understand why but given her life is fraught with peril she needs to live a little. Hawley is a man of opportunity who prefers to have an exit strategy if things get too hot but there's a nobility there that we can get behind. He's not heartless. He's come through for our heroes a few times. Abby can show him some responsibility and Hawley can show her some relaxation tips. As Jenny said, when things get real, Hawley runs away or wrecks the relationship and his sudden interest in Jenny is exactly that. Being with Jenny is easy because he doesn't have to try but he has deep feelings for Abby and he's afraid of trying to pursue her. Abby would most likely be the same way. She's focused on her mission but that's to distract her from her feelings that we know she has about Hawley. She's been hurt too many times to trust her heart to a privateer no matter how charming she finds him and I suspect Hawley's faced the same trials.

I feel magic here

        Irving & Jenny: Like Abby and Hawley they are opposites but can balance each other out. Also both have had violent encounters with demons both literally and figuratively. I did say that Jenny needs stability and although Irving is on the run from the law and had his soul taken that doesn't mean he's not stable enough for her. Irving is the anchor Jenny needs; someone of stability and Irving needs someone to lean on when he feels like falling down. They have a defining trait that makes them brave to the point of recklessness when it comes to protecting the ones they love even though they clash with said loved ones. I felt a spark there in season 1. I believe as well as hope that the writers allow them some more time together. If either character decides to pursue this relationship it could open some story lines. I feel Jenny would be up for the challenge.

Quaint if not boring but they belong together

        Ichabod and Katrina Crane: Marriage is hard even on the best day and these two certainly could have divorced at any time but they stay together. Why? For one thing I doubt their upbringing in the 18th century would have allowed them to actually go through with a legal split but also I sense a real true love here. Katrina didn't really like Crane in the beginning but we all know that most epic love stories start out that way. Crane has shown that Katrina's lies were getting exhausting but he has shown a fortitude and desire in wanting to make the relationship work. I feel that it's Katrina's turn to show some effort. She seems to be a very independent woman even back in the 1700s where such a thing was an oddity, and that independence leads her to make decisions for everyone without consulting them allowing her to come off as condescending and arrogant. We need to get more into her back story and see where this pattern of secrecy came from because she has lied a lot about who she is and there will come a point where Crane isn't going to take it any more. I hope at least Abby points this out to Katrina. I can't think of anyone else who would do that for her. I feel that Crane and Katrina are headed for more trials but if they want it bad enough they'll weather the storm. They just need to get to know each other again.

Aww he likes it so he's putting a ring on it

          The zealous angel Orion has shown interest in Abby. More as a fellow soldier but I felt a spark there that could perhaps grow into something more and everyone loves a love triangle. You can view that between Crane, Abby, and Orion or Hawley, Abby, and Orion but either way I feel that we haven't seen the last of Orion. 

Do all angels have cat eyes now?

          All of the ships are coming into place. There is a theory floating around that if Katrina separates Abraham from the Horseman of Death then he'll die because he doesn't have a head. Possible. Either way it'll be one more character gone and so leave an almost even number of couples. I don't see Katrina falling in love with Abraham for real. So I'm sticking to these ships that have real possibility and chances for our characters to grow.

Bitch please, I'm a red headed witch I do what I want