We all love Elijah. He's noble, moral, has a sense of honor, loyal and he's dedicated to family. However, there is such a thing as being too dedicated to family, especially if your baby brother is a murderous sociopath and your baby sister whines and complains and threatens to break the family a part. I feel for Elijah and he deserves some happiness in his life. He spends most of his eternity trying to please others. When will he take time to please himself?
Elijah never sees that dagger coming! |
From the first time we met the soft spoken suit wearing Original, we've been able to glean that he's a serious, no nonsense type of guy and who takes loyalty seriously and those who break their words better run or else Elijah will tear your head off then casually wipes the blood off his fine suit. Yet further down the road we've gathered that Elijah is also pretty noble and prefers peace to war. He's the peacemaker while Klaus is the hot headed warrior who prefers a Saturday night brawl. Yet Elijah is not only a diplomat, he's also a sentimental romantic who loves humanity. He admires quite a few humans especially those who have compassion (like Elena). Being sentimental is Elijah's strength but it can also be his weakness; more often when it comes to his rowdy siblings who cause trouble every two minutes.
The man every woman wants can't have who he wants... |
Elijah doesn't get mad... he doesn't get even either. |
Elijah has a habit of choosing family over his own desires, which is indeed admirable but it gets to a certain point when we all start to feel the huge weight that Elijah has decided to take on and it's starting to interfere with his personal life, mainly his love life and personal happiness. Whenever Klaus sees that his older brother shows an interest in a woman (no matter the species) then Klaus starts throwing a tantrum and instantly hates the woman his brother chose. Klaus shows little remorse when the apple of Elijah's eye is in mortal danger or dies indirectly or directly through his will. I love Klaus but he has to get rid of his possessive nature. Part of the changes I want to see in Klaus is his acceptance of Elijah's heart's desires and realize that Elijah would never truly abandon him. Klaus did take a step forward when he gave Elijah's new love interest, Klaus's baby mama Hayley, some advice on how to get Elijah to forgive her. Now if only Klaus could tell Elijah that he's giving (while not a green light) a yellow light; proceed cautiously.
Rebekah is the other pain in Elijah's side |
And Rebekah is no different when it comes to causing Elijah pain and not putting his desires before hers. Rebekah is so caught up in kicking her totalitarian brother off the throne that she fails to see that it causes Elijah a great amount of stress and distracts him from getting his heart's desire: Hayley. Rebekah won't hurt her main bitch but she doesn't realize that getting rid of Klaus may do more harm to the baby than good. Klaus may not be good for the baby but I can tell you that the baby will definitely be good for him. Rebekah just lacks patience. She lets her irrational emotions blind her. From what I can tell Rebekah is a Haylijah shipper but if she truly wants her noble brother's happiness, instead of stomping her feet and blatantly flouting her brother Klaus, Rebekah should try subtlety. She should do little things to help Elijah get Klaus on the road to mental and emotional health. When Klaus becomes a better man and redeems himself then everything else will fall into place.
Even Marcel is put in the middle of Klaus & Elijah's arguments |
Elijah feels that people he lets close to him suffer or end up dead. But he can't help but let someone in from time to time. Elijah's trust is the most valuable thing he could give a girl and once she has that, she has Elijah's heart. His disappointment hurts worse than his anger ever could but there are times when we feel disappointed in Elijah. He has the passion and sentimentality that could land him any girl he wants but he stops and second guesses himself and starts wondering how this will effect Klaus. From my point of view, Elijah is an enabler. It's okay to help your family out but you can't be the constant martyr. If Elijah wants Klaus to grow up then he should start doing some "hands-off" teaching his mentally infantile brother. Klaus would repay Elijah's dedication with a dagger in the heart and Elijah just forgives him afterwards and sticks around. Klaus is going to be a dad soon and he has to start cleaning up his own messes.
I wish Klaus would treat Elijah as he does Klaus |
It seems to me Elijah is using his dysfunctional family as a crutch. Like he said, he fears that people he lets into his heart end up getting hurt. He's only been in love twice in his 1,000 years and after all the pain and agony his family has put him through the least Rebekah and Klaus can do is let Elijah find his own happiness. Right now, Elijah's happiness is Hayley. Elijah should take a queue from Hayley and do what makes him happy; to take what he wants in spite of Klaus and his territorial crap. I hope Elijah realizes that he can only sacrifice his own desires so much until enough is enough and he breaks from the weight. So here's hoping that Elijah realizes he deserves to follow his own personal desires and takes Hayley like we all want him to.
I want Elijah to take what he HE desires for a change! |