Hello Mommy Dearest |
The Family that preys, indeed! So many jaw dropping moments! I don't think there has ever been such drama in one family in history. But let's get to those eye popping moments shall we?
When in doubt, burn mom's corpse. |
First off, Esther feels it's time for some one on one with her most wayward son after she mentally and emotionally tortured our stubborn, faithful Elijah. Needless to say, it did not go well. The entire time Esther was telling Klaus the truth (or her version) I was thinking: Stop it! It doesn't matter because there's never going to be a deal! I'll admit I did love that part where Klaus called his mother a "whore" and she slapped him hard across the face. Sometimes magic can't compare to a good old slap.
Looks like Finn keeps the "Bootlicker Award" |
But what really kind of had me piqued was when Esther promised to strike Mikael down if he ever tried to hurt Klaus. Bitch! Why didn't you do that the first time he hit Klaus? A bit late now to play protective mother. I suppose her defense was that Mikael wasn't always a demon (aha! so you agree!) and that maybe he'd change. He used to be a pretty good, doting father. It's just after their first born Freya "died" that he became a ruthless, unforgiving monster. We'll get to that "death" later though. I was very proud of Klaus when he had Esther up against that wall. I knew he would never accept her crazy offer because despite what she's been saying: that he's alone, unloved and vicious, Klaus is surrounded by people who love him. That vicious thing is true but when it comes to Rebekah, Elijah, and anyone Klaus considers family he becomes very vicious indeed; to the party that threatens his own. Klaus has come a long way and I feel that he managed to kind of change for the better (enough to warrant praise for that).
Cami has the worst luck in men they just seem drawn to her |
That awkward moment when you discover that your advisor is really your friend's brother inhabiting a witch. Cami is full on team Klaus and so Finn has become the enemy. For once Cami becomes a willing distraction; no need for compulsion. Marcel didn't see but Cami slipped a nice little dagger into her pocket...just in case. I thought Cami was going to screw up for a second. She was practically a fish out of water dancing on the deck. However, she found her footing and Finn doesn't suspect a thing. Count on a Mama's Boy to be unsuspecting when a pretty girl plays damsel in distress. Bonus: Finn seems to have a thing for Cami. Isn't that unprofessional and unethical? Then again Finn isn't really a therapist. To be honest I'm tired of single Finn hanging onto to Esther's apron strings. He needs a good romp even if it's a trick. We really need to dive deeper into Cami's back story because she keeps talking about these bad boys she got involved with, very bad damaging relationships and yet she still managed to beat that bitterness and come out strong. Hopefully we get into that more this season.
Hansel? No Ansel? Definitely Ansel |
The biggest jaw drop was seeing Klaus's biological father for the very first time. My heart stopped! After a thousand years of wondering what his father would be like and what could have been if he had been raised by him, Klaus finally came face to face with Ansel, in the flesh. And what does Klaus say? Go to Hell that's what. I kind of expected that. Mikael has done some serious damage to Klaus making him abhorrent to any father-like relationship. Some may believe that Ansel knew Esther was back or that she pulled him back from the Other Side before it collapsed but I believe he genuinely had no idea. What Ansel really seems to want is to get to know the son he never got to raise. Can't help but wonder though, he didn't really like Hayley being half-vampire and full vampires he probably likens to leeches that need to be burned, will Klaus being a Hybrid be an issue? Hope not.
Meet the Wicked Witch of the East |
Now we've come to the biggest bomb drop of the episode. Quick flashback, remember Esther said her first child, Freya "died" from plague? Surprise it was just another lie. Esther turned out to be barren and went to her bitter older sister, Dalia, for help. But big sis never told Esther the price: Dalia will take the first born of each generation of her sister's bloodline and if that price isn't paid then Dalia would come back and take all of her children. Kind of sad and makes me think that maybe Esther turned her children into vampires so they wouldn't have to pay such a high price. But still she should have told Klaus. Doubtful that would have changed anything but nevertheless it would have cleared a lot of things up. Why would Dalia do such a horrible thing? She didn't seem to like the Vikings very much. The Vikings weren't known for their politeness. Could be revenge. Isn't it always about revenge?
Someone call Liam Neeson Freya's been taken! |
Some minor tidbits, we found Jackson. He's been hiding this entire time in the bayou with Klaus's dad, Ansel who is teaching him the purity of being a werewolf (whatever that means). I wish he'd stop calling Hayley his betrothed or in this case the girl who would have been his wife. "Would have been"? Really? Doubtful Elijah would have let that happen. Oliver kind of redeemed himself tonight. If not to anybody else at least to the werewolves he betrayed. He managed to part the sea of wolves so Hayley didn't have to ruin her nails or those awesome jeans. He was loyal in the end. And I don't care what people say, Hayley will always be the Alpha to me. She kicks ass. Final note, since Hayley is a hybrid now it's a crime for her to kill werewolves but since Ansel is a werewolf it's okay. It's no big deal. Epic Eye-roll!

In the end Elijah was saved but will he be the same when he wakes up? Will he take Esther's offer? Hopefully he's in the same mindset as Klaus: you mess with my family you're dead. Next week we see that Ansel tries to reach out to Klaus but the Hybrid King is having none of that. And looks like there may be a bigger, badder witch on the way. There's always a worst more powerful witch.
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