It sucks when the ex comes to town. |
After last week's episode, the war between witches and vampires has gone up a notch. Celeste is back with a vengeance and there's nothing more dangerous than a witch with an ugly grudge. But let's look at both sides and decide who will win.
Who could hurt these 3 hotties? |
Of course many if not all will support the vampires. Who wouldn't want to be on Elijah, Klaus, Marcel, and Rebekah's side? I think part of that dedication is that the Originals and vampires always seem to win. But this time they have met a real challenge in the zealot French Quarter witches. They can be more ruthless than the vampires if not more. But let's list why we love the sexy undead first: 1.) they're hot (duh); 2.) we've seen what makes them tick such as why they are evil or good and that they are just as vulnerable and complex as humans; 3.) Not all vampires are psycho killers, some just want to live their eternal lives for love and peace; and 4.) Vampires have a sort of code of honor that witches in a way lack.
Klaus in church? And he didn't burst into flames? |
We all know that Klaus, Rebekah and even Elijah have blood on their hands. There is some truth in what witches say about vampires being "monsters". Vampires do leave casualties in their wake. Yet the Originals weren't born evil. They had little choice in the matter when their parents forced them to become vampires. Klaus especially was brutalized by his father and rejected by his mother and given that emotions are heightened for vampires, the Hybrid would definitely have issues with creating and nurturing relationships with people. Yet in rare moments Klaus allows himself to be vulnerable and tries to forge friendships with others. He has proven himself to be a loyal friend (sometimes) and after a tantrum he is ready to forgive the person who hurt him. Klaus has amazing artistic talent and he's a romantic at heart. That's what we love about him and it's those moments that show he's not a monster at heart but just a really messed up guy who wants to be loved.
"Dig up her bones but leave her soul alone..." |
Rebekah certainly has trouble finding good men (except Matt). She is the only girl in a male dominated family so she had to fight harder to get attention. Plus she had been emotionally abused and terrorized by Klaus leaving her desperate for the affection of others which is why she can be a queen B sometimes. What Rebekah really wants is to be free to love who she wants and be loved as well as respected, which has always eluded her.
My God! He's so gorgeous! |
Elijah seems less sinful but he has done horrible things for the sake of his family. I'm sure he's got a few massacres under his belt but he never feeds from a child no matter how ravenous he is. Elijah is noble and moral but he has a habit of second guessing himself when it comes to relationships outside the family (i.e. his romantic relationships). Elijah's one desire is for his family to stay together and be there for each other. I think that's a crutch so he has an excuse to not pursue other healthy connections with others even though everyone likes him instantly. He has the charm to bond anyone to him and the loyalty of any good friend.
Barbie Klaus |
Marcel is charismatic and the guy who likes to have fun. Even though he can be just as ruthless as Klaus, Marcel has a rule of never hurting or killing kids, which leads him to do something very noble (unlike Klaus who was willing to kill a 16 year old girl). Yeah he treated the witches very badly but who really felt bad for them? Marcel was willing to let New Orleans burn so Davina wouldn't be sacrificed and now he hopes that he can get her back. However, sometimes Marcel can let his heart rule his head. We all know that back in 1919 or so, Marcel lured Mikael to New Orleans hoping that Klaus would leave so he and Rebekah could be together. Yet I still think Marcel is better than a witch.
Poor Davina! |
Now lets look at the French Quarter witches. Nothing much redeemable there. While Celeste has a reason for being evil like Klaus leading to her death, I still think she shouldn't take it out on ALL vampires. I mean she did love Elijah. But that aside, the French Quarter witches have got to be the worst people in all of witch-dom. Child sacrifice? Really? If there's one thing I hate it's a zealot and zealots have a habit of being hypocrites. Bastiana called Father Kieran "evil". Who the hell is she to call Kieran evil? All Kieran wanted to do was to keep the peace. Kieran never put a knife to a teenage girl's throat in order to absorb her power! Sophie was right the first time around not to be all into the strict religious code. Her own niece, Monique, made her bleed out because she wasn't on the witch side and just wanted to run. I would run from these crazy people.
These witches are very bad news... |
The witch crusade will prove deadly to everyone and not just vampires. I think werewolves can be next if they cross the witches. Celeste said she put the curse on Hayley's family but she hasn't done anything to undo the curse, which I think would have helped give her reinforcements. I still don't understand why witches give werewolves a pass when they can be just as monstrous as vampires. I mean the werewolf curse is activated when they commit a murder (even if it's by accident). Yeah they suffer the change forever but they can just as easily abuse their power and hurt innocent people. Remember when Jules turned and she killed all those campers?
Klaus has a charitable soul when he wants to. |
The witches are more evil in comparison to the vampires. They're just eco-terrorists who believe their cause is right. At least Bonnie felt her obligation was to her friends and to innocent people and not to an ancient code that has no room for love. The witches do have a right to hold a grudge but it's their own damn faults. The witches may have Klaus and Rebekah and are making them suffer, but Elijah is ruthless when it comes to his family being in danger and his wrath will be swift. All I can say is, Celeste has made a terrible mistake.
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