Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Originals: Will Elijah Ever Find His Own Happiness?

        We all love Elijah. He's noble, moral, has a sense of honor, loyal and he's dedicated to family. However, there is such a thing as being too dedicated to family, especially if your baby brother is a murderous sociopath and your baby sister whines and complains and threatens to break the family a part. I feel for Elijah and he deserves some happiness in his life. He spends most of his eternity trying to please others. When will he take time to please himself?

Elijah never sees that dagger coming!

      From the first time we met the soft spoken suit wearing Original, we've been able to glean that he's a serious, no nonsense type of guy and who takes loyalty seriously and those who break their words better run or else Elijah will tear your head off then casually wipes the blood off his fine suit. Yet further down the road we've gathered that Elijah is also pretty noble and prefers peace to war. He's the peacemaker while Klaus is the hot headed warrior who prefers a Saturday night brawl. Yet Elijah is not only a diplomat, he's also a sentimental romantic who loves humanity. He admires quite a few humans especially those who have compassion (like Elena). Being sentimental is Elijah's strength but it can also be his weakness; more often when it comes to his rowdy siblings who cause trouble every two minutes.

The man every woman wants can't have who he wants...

Elijah doesn't get mad... he doesn't get even either.

       Elijah has a habit of choosing family over his own desires, which is indeed admirable but it gets to a certain point when we all start to feel the huge weight that Elijah has decided to take on and it's starting to interfere with his personal life, mainly his love life and personal happiness. Whenever Klaus sees that his older brother shows an interest in a woman (no matter the species) then Klaus starts throwing a tantrum and instantly hates the woman his brother chose. Klaus shows little remorse when the apple of Elijah's eye is in mortal danger or dies indirectly or directly through his will. I love Klaus but he has to get rid of his possessive nature. Part of the changes I want to see in Klaus is his acceptance of Elijah's heart's desires and realize that Elijah would never truly abandon him. Klaus did take a step forward when he gave Elijah's new love interest, Klaus's baby mama Hayley, some advice on how to get Elijah to forgive her. Now if only Klaus could tell Elijah that he's giving (while not a green light) a yellow light; proceed cautiously.

Rebekah is the other pain in Elijah's side

        And Rebekah is no different when it comes to causing Elijah pain and not putting his desires before hers. Rebekah is so caught up in kicking her totalitarian brother off the throne that she fails to see that it causes Elijah a great amount of stress and distracts him from getting his heart's desire: Hayley. Rebekah won't hurt her main bitch but she doesn't realize that getting rid of Klaus may do more harm to the baby than good. Klaus may not be good for the baby but I can tell you that the baby will definitely be good for him. Rebekah just lacks patience. She lets her irrational emotions blind her. From what I can tell Rebekah is a Haylijah shipper but if she truly wants her noble brother's happiness, instead of stomping her feet and blatantly flouting her brother Klaus, Rebekah should try subtlety. She should do little things to help Elijah get Klaus on the road to mental and emotional health. When Klaus becomes a better man and redeems himself then everything else will fall into place.

Even Marcel is put in the middle of Klaus & Elijah's arguments

         Elijah feels that people he lets close to him suffer or end up dead. But he can't help but let someone in from time to time. Elijah's trust is the most valuable thing he could give a girl and once she has that, she has Elijah's heart. His disappointment hurts worse than his anger ever could but there are times when we feel disappointed in Elijah. He has the passion and sentimentality that could land him any girl he wants but he stops and second guesses himself and starts wondering how this will effect Klaus. From my point of view, Elijah is an enabler. It's okay to help your family out but you can't be the constant martyr. If Elijah wants Klaus to grow up then he should start doing some "hands-off" teaching his mentally infantile brother. Klaus would repay Elijah's dedication with a dagger in the heart and Elijah just forgives him afterwards and sticks around. Klaus is going to be a dad soon and he has to start cleaning up his own messes. 

I wish Klaus would treat Elijah as he does Klaus

      It seems to me Elijah is using his dysfunctional family as a crutch. Like he said, he fears that people he lets into his heart end up getting hurt. He's only been in love twice in his 1,000 years and after all the pain and agony his family has put him through the least Rebekah and Klaus can do is let Elijah find his own happiness. Right now, Elijah's happiness is Hayley. Elijah should take a queue from Hayley and do what makes him happy; to take what he wants in spite of Klaus and his territorial crap. I hope Elijah realizes that he can only sacrifice his own desires so much until enough is enough and he breaks from the weight. So here's hoping that Elijah realizes he deserves to follow his own personal desires and takes Hayley like we all want him to.

I want Elijah to take what he HE desires for a change!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Dallas: The Return

         The new season of TNT's Dallas is set to return this February and honestly I can't wait for it to get here. We were all bummed that Larry Hagman (who played JR Ewing) had passed away mid-way filming the second season and many have been wondering if the show could really go on with out its biggest star. Frankly that shouldn't be an issue.

Back stabbing is a family tradition.

          I've seen some of the episodes of the original Dallas and loved every bit of it. If any one else saw it then you would know that the actor who played Jock (the Patriarch of the Ewing Family) had died also, but still the show must go on. The cast and crew carried on and Dallas was still a hit. Some may argue that JR was what kept fans watching. He was as bad as they came but just as hot and the rest of the cast as well held the audience's attention with all the twists, bitch slapping, and drama a soap opera can dish out. 

Bad blood is hard to wash out.

        Dallas returned for a continuation meaning the kids are all grown up and now they're continuing the old family feud over what else: South Fork Ranch. John Ross and Christopher may not be brothers but they are still blood (Christopher is the son of Sue Ellen's manipulative sister, Kristin Shepard so they're still cousins) and the bad blood has seemed to have bled into the next generation. They both have taken on their fathers' roles in terms of their ambitions, personal beliefs, and the family business. 

The devil's spawn (even sexier)

       John Ross (Josh Henderson) believes that oil is what's best for Ewing Energies, thinking that Christopher's alternative energy is a pipe dream. Christopher (Jesse Metcalfe) believes the opposite and that methane is the future of energy. John Ross is JR in every way, which I think draws people in but he is also as Sue Ellen says only half of JR, the other half is her and Sue Ellen has a softer side. John Ross may like to mix business with pleasure but he does have a heart when it comes to the special women in his life. John Ross was crazy for Elena who broke his heart, making him turn more into his father's son in terms of back stabbing and scheming to get what he wants. Then there was Pamela (once Rebecca Sutter) whom John Ross seems perfect for. He was very concerned for Pamela's safety so much that he went behind his father's back to meet with Cliff Barnes in order to save her from prison. John Ross was also very compassionate to a depressed Pamela after she had lost her twin babies in the womb because of an explosion on the rig they were all on. 

Who said chivalry is dead?
        John Ross and Pamela are mirror images of each other. They both idolize their cold distant fathers who criticize more than they encourage so John Ross and Pamela feel they have to win at everything or risk disappointing their fathers. Yet they also have tender hearts and allow themselves to get emotionally involved. They have modeled their personalities after their cut throat fathers (John Ross especially) Pamela is like Bobby's Pamela but she seems much tougher and able to hold her own. Yet two people who are so much alike there's bound to be some friction. She may have accepted Christopher's infidelity but only because he immediately admitted it. Yet John Ross's rolls in the hay with Emma will get him in deeper trouble. He and Pamela have strong personalities and neither will give way when it comes to business or revenge. 

Never cross a Ewing.

Can he beat John Ross?

        Christopher was adopted so he always felt that he had to earn the Ewing family name and that means: Never fail and fight to the last man. Christopher is like his father, Bobby in that he's more compassionate than his philandering cousin, John Ross, and that back stabbing and screwing people in order to get what you want is not the answer. Yet Christopher has abandonment issues, which lead to anger issues. His mother, Pamela left him and for years he didn't understand why. Christopher can be as unforgiving when he's been lied to or betrayed. He may be a nice guy but there are times when he'll do things that are not so nice. It took Chris a while to forgive Pamela Barnes for tricking him into marriage even after she said she fell in love with him. He also had a hard time forgiving Elena, his fiancé, for not telling him that she knew her brother Drew caused the explosion that made Pamela lose their children. Now that Elena found out that the Ewings had stolen land from her family maybe she'll be as unforgiving to the whole Ewing clan. 

Old grudges refuse to die.

R.I.P. JR Ewing

         The young blood of this cast ring true the old saying of "history repeats itself." The characters may be mirrors of their predecessors: Emma is the new Lucy but more of a devil, Pamela is the second Barnes to marry into the Ewings (twice!) but she's got a lot more grit, John Ross is the new JR but he has a heart in there somewhere, and Christopher is the new Bobby but with unresolved anger issues. It's a perfect mix of new drama in an old story. Detailing the real race of oil against new alternative energy that will touch us all. I have every confidence that Josh Henderson can fill Larry Hagman's cow boy boots just as John Ross will seek to do with JR's boots. There will be as much love, lust, back stabbing, scheming, greed, vendettas and heart break on this new generation of Dallas as there was in the old generation. As JR said, "Blood is thicker than water, but oil is thicker than both."


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Almost Human: Unanswered Questions

        Almost Human has to be one of my favorite new shows. Still there's some unanswered questions that I have.

1. What's the deal with The Wall?

       Besides being a cool name for a sic-fi movie, what exactly is this wall that is mentioned from time to time but never explained? From the bits and pieces I've gathered, the Wall separates civilized society from uncivilized society. Maybe the city is walled in to block out a natural disaster that happened to the planet or a certain economic fall happened that caused a social fall out. The worst criminals may lie beyond the Wall and from time to time get through. The plot takes place in 2048; not so far from our own time in 2014. I'll be almost 60 by that time! But I wish they'd expand on it a little more.

2. Does John have any more family?

       We know that John idolized his father who was a cop, but that he's also dead. John said that his mother used to hide money in her sock but no real information on if she's alive or dead. Someone on Twitter said John had a sister and a niece but I haven't heard any more about it so I can assume that it was false information. However, I would love to see if John has any more family that could make an appearance. 

3. Why can't Dorian have a love interest?

     I know Wyman said Dorian wasn't going to have a love interest because he's an android (although he has human sex organs so I don't know why they can't at least think about upgrading him to a sex bot). Yet Wyman mentioned "whether or not he could love some one is another story". I should point out that there's more to love than just sex. Asexual couples enjoy each other just the same as normal couples but they have the least desire to have sex (although they do on occasion). There's no reason Dorian can't form an unrequited love for someone or at least an attachment to a human woman (or may be a man, I don't judge). If a DRN is programmed to have human emotions and form attachments then it should be possible for Dorian to form some sort of romantic attachment to a human like his friendship attachment to John. 

      That's about all the questions I had. I hope we learn more. (That's a hint to FOX to renew Almost Human.)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

TVD100: A Memorial & Reunion

          In one word the 100th episode of The Vampire Diaries was: EPIC! There are more words to describe it but that pretty much sums it up. We saw a lot of old faces come back including the Originals (although Elijah really wasn't there, a cruel delusion made by Damon to torture Katherine) and Damon's old drinking buddy, Alaric. I know the episode opens with Damon and Elena in equal heart break over their break up but I don't want to start with Delena drama. Especially if Caroline is going to crow about it.

This girl never stays dead for long...

         Instead we'll start with Katherine dying. After taking the vampire cure she began to age rapidly. Now she's on her death bed while everyone (except the compassionate Stefan) is playing a drinking game: How did Katherine Pierce ruin your life? That's a game that will make you go through 5 bottles of the Salvatore's finest whiskey. Damon was the lead in this twisted party game but then Stefan came in to dampen everyone's joy by making them remember that Katherine did what she did to survive because well...: her daughter was torn away from her, she was going to be sacrificed by Klaus who in turn murdered her whole family and chased her for 500 years. Way to rain on everyone's parade. Still that didn't stop Damon from celebrating.

You'll go through 5 bottles of whiskey with this game.

      Everyone has that one bad ex who made their life hell and everyone has had those fantasies on how they would torture that ex. Well Damon lives his dreams. The fruit did not rot far from the tree as Nadia pulled some nasty "Katherine-like" trick to get the gang to help her save the mother she finally found. Nadia kidnapped Matt and buried him alive somewhere. Like mother like daughter. So while everyone was on a "Matt-hunt", Damon stayed behind to mentally torture Katherine since Liz wouldn't let him smother her. Liz just hates paper work. He made her relive some very traumatizing memories such as Katherine coming home to her family slaughtered. Yet even on her death bed, Katherine manages to deal out a few stabs at Damon. Katherine revealed that she met Stefan first, well not exactly "met" so much as saw him on the road, making her decide to switch from the Lockwoods to the Salvatores so she could get to know Stefan. It was the universe putting the doppelgängers together.

"Let me 'fluff' your pillow"

        Speaking of doppelgängers, we know that the Travelers hate immortality (what witch doesn't have an issue with that?) but they also want the Silas and Amara doppelgängers for some nefarious purpose. Nadia left Stefan and Elena (who were arguing over Stefan's hook up with Katherine) at the mercy of the Travelers. But instead of seeing this as an awkward moment, Stefan and Elena came to an agreement that Katherine deserves a little sympathy. Stefan is the only one who gives Katherine a happy alternate memory of the worst day of her life. Such a nice guy.

Nothing like a romp in the woods: scandalous sex is right!

       Now onto the best part of the episode. All fans of Klaroline are sitting pretty happy, ecstatic actually over Caroline's "scandalous sex" forest rendezvous with who else? Klaus, the Original Hybrid who has been chasing her for a few seasons. Klaus came to Mystic Falls to torment Katerina Petrova one last time. But I think he was more interested in seeing Caroline. They flirted and jabbed each other a bit (their little tango of course) until Klaus said that he would leave Katherine to die in peace if Caroline admitted that she had feelings for him. Caroline is stubborn as we know, but I think she has grown up enough to finally let go of her prejudices about Klaus. Klaus said he would never come back to Mystic Falls (sad for us) and Caroline gave Klaus quite the sexy, hot, and scandalous send off. When Caroline came back to the Salvatore house and Matt asked where she was, Caroline took a leaf from her hair and said, "I was in the woods I got lost." Yeah Caroline you got lost alright, but it wasn't in the woods. 

Caroline has to add some salt on all that sugar...

        Klaroline joy aside, Katherine has become sympathetic this 100th episode. We see that Katherine really loved her daughter, Nadia, and that in the end she was just a girl that the world tore to pieces. In reality would anyone else have done differently had they lived Katherine's life? Even Elena decided to sit by her enemy's side. They are related after all, Kat's Elena's great-great-great-great-etc grandmother. So Elena decided to give in to her human compassion and forgive her tormentor. I would like to think Katherine meant what she said to her look-a-like rival by thanking her and wanting her to jam the needle into her one last time to send her off to oblivion. However, as Elena was pushing that needle, Katherine pulled a fast one and placed a piece of her soul into her double. So I guess Nina Dobrev doesn't have to be in two places at once, just have a double personality. Less stress over costume changes. 

Look it's the devil's spawn
         End bits: Tyler came back home just in time to see or not see (only seen by Bonnie) some old faces. It was TVD Family reunion. Also I noticed how Caroline suddenly became awkward. She just had a sexy encounter with Tyler's hated enemy. Will Tyler even stick around long? He has a habit of disappearing. That aside, Delena fans hold out hope while Klaroline fans celebrate and hope for another hot encounter, maybe down in the Big Easy? (hint, hint). So in conclusion the TVD 100th episode was one of the best one out of all the 99 episodes that preceded it. Fans will be talking about this for weeks even after the season finale.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Originals: The Haylijah Tango

I think Romeo & Juliet had an easier time than these two.

         I never thought I'd love a ship more than Klaroline but I think I found something second to that: Haylijah. From the start Hayley and Elijah had a spark. The chemistry just surged between them. Every time they were in the same room the electricity was tangible. Those longing looks. Here's what makes the Haylijah ship so incredible.

"Open your mind to me." I'll do more than that, Elijah!

       There's a reason Klaus is a bit jealous of his older brother. Elijah is a gentleman's gentleman. He treats you with courtesy and respect from the first. He's not one to over react or burst into a fit of violent rage like his younger brother. Yet Elijah's hands aren't exactly clean. He does murder on occasion but for a very good reason: he made a promise (which he always keeps) and when his family is threatened. Also Elijah is as romantic as he is sentimental. Unlike Klaus who mostly views humans as pawns or food, Elijah loves humanity. He's more often than not involved with human women. He's also only truly loved two people in his 1,000 years. Wow! Elijah isn't averse to liking his brother's conquests either. There was Katherine of course whom he fell for. Now Elijah has set his romantic gorgeous eyes on the wily and feisty Hayley.

This just feels so right...

      Hayley is a tough girl. She's like Klaus in that she sees what she wants and goes after it until she gets it. Where as Elijah is so moral that he second guesses himself and decides that it could go against his honor in some way. Hayley also says what she feels, which is new to Elijah. When Elijah returned after being daggered, instead of a kiss (which we were all kind of expecting), Hayley gave the Original one hard slap across the face: "Don't make promises you can't keep. Welcom home." I have to laugh with excitement at that. But we shouldn't have seen that as a set back. I like to think of it more as foreplay or flirting. 

That awkward moment when the guy you like calls out another woman's name

      I think Hayley has a strength that Elijah is also attracted to. After Klaus bit him, sending him into a fever dream, Hayley refused to leave Elijah's side. Elijah warned that he would hurt her in his delirium but Hayley has tough skin. The only embarrassing part I think was Elijah calling out another woman's name. Then there was when Elijah accidentally let Hayley see Celeste in her hot bath. Awkward! Yet afterwards Elijah trusted Hayley enough to explain who Celeste was: his second greatest love. But then he said he can't love anyone because anyone close to him dies. His only duty is to his family. Only Elijah could see the downside of getting laid. But him playing hard to get is what makes him so attractive I think. His nobility makes him more admirable. Hayley never met a guy like that; someone who respected her enough to share a secret like that or anyone as kind as Elijah.
Help me with this zipper?

       What Elijah and Hayley have in common is their duty to family. However, unlike Elijah who might not have done something to screw anyone (unintentionally), Hayley went behind his back to find out where Celeste was buried in exchange for Sophie to lift the curse put on her family. Elijah was really hurt by what he saw as Hayley's betrayal of his trust, which is very important to him. The worst thing Elijah can do to you is not get angry but share his disappointment. That was like a knife in Hayley's heart. I've never seen Hayley cry before but when she did, I wanted to cry. I was praying that Elijah would forgive Hayley. Klaus even gave his baby mama advice: "Don't do what I did." Klaus is changing for the better. Yet Elijah can be just as stubborn as Klaus. Elijah still was a little angry with Hayley for lying to him when all she had to do was ask. But Hayley said that the past is the past and she lived for the future. Well said. You think that an immortal would dwell more on the long future than the distant past. 

It's okay. Just breathe...

       Elijah and Hayley have those intense, physical moments that you expect them to kiss or something physical but there's that "will-they-won't-they" anti that will make the moment they finally let go of their inhibitions so much sweeter.  I don't think Elijah has ever had a girl like Hayley who isn't a damsel in distress or submissive in any way, which is kind of his type (Tatia, Katherine, Elena (not romantic but he's fond of her), and Celeste). And Hayley has never had a guy like Elijah who treats her well, which is kind of the opposite of what she's used to (Tyler and Klaus: messed up, oblivious alpha males). I hope Elijah can get his head out of his ass and realize that Hayley is the girl for him because Hayley already knows she wants their relationship to go to the next level.

I had a dream like this once, but none of these other people were there...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Stargate: The New Star Trek

         I only got into Stargate-SG1 probably around 3rd or 4th season. I likened it to the adoptive child of the sci-fi series Star Trek: while not related to it's parent, Stargate picked up many of its traits from it's idol. Stargate was optimistic, funny (in fact for their 200th episode they took the liberty of making fun of themselves), and engaging. However, I was sad to see the franchise die so suddenly when there was great potential in it to be right up there with Star Trek (just on its level and not just second). 


      The show was based off a movie starring Kurt Russell. At first the series didn't receive that much good feed back but luckily the producers stuck with it and eventually it became a cult phenomenon. Weaving "Ancient Alien Theory" (the idea that aliens visited mankind in the past and were worshipped as gods) into a classic odyssey story that didn't really need a space ship but used an inter dimensional doorway that led the team to other alien worlds. What makes it different from Star Trek is that the Stargate Program was a secret military operation that not even Congress knew much about. It took place in modern time and it took on the reality that if the US government really did find alien technology they would hide it and not reveal it to the public. The general fear would be panic of course and we know how xenophobia works. 

       This show was the longest running sic-fi TV series with 10 seasons (later broken by Smallville) and part of the reason was the chemistry between the characters and the cast. There was a genuine bond between the SG-1 team that was touching with moments of hilarity. We had two egg-heads, a stoic alien friend, and a leader who was dedicated to his team but also liked to crack jokes half the time (not exactly a Captain Kirk who liked to put a few notches in his belt with every alien encounter but it worked). Jack's story of how he lost his son to gun violence was dark for an optimistic show but it really sent a message on how guns make things worse and violence only causes pain. That's why the Stargate Program was mostly an exploration/good samaritan project. Teams would have guns but they were not encouraged to use them unless in severe danger. 

Stargate Atlantis: 

        Stargate-SG1 ended but the series so good, the SyFy network decided to do a spin off. They kept to the mythology to the Ancients who built Atlantis and put that fortress on a distant planet. More of their journeys took place in outer space but the Stargate was still vital (the show is called "Stargate" for god sakes). 

      Most of the elements of Stargate was put into this spin off. Except the leader of this team was more like Captain Kirk. Captain John Sheppard was younger than Col. Jack O'Neil but just as gruff and prone to sarcasm when it came to dealing with fights or even his team (especially with the team geniuses). But John had something extra: he had an Ancients' gene, meaning he was a descendent of the Ancients and so could use their gene-based technology. 

     Unfortunately this spin-off only had 5 seasons but it had a good run with many honors showered upon it. I think Stargate Atlantis was a good effort and should still be up there with it's parent, Stargate-SG1. 

Stargate Universe:

      While I applaud Stargate Atlantis I will have to wag my finger at Stargate Universe. It went from light and optimistic to plain dark and foreboding to just plain claustrophobic. It was no longer a family that stuck together but just a group of strangers forced onto a drifting ship cut off from civilization. That's too Lost for my taste. It really strayed from what made the franchise great. 

      While I like the "stranded on an island with strangers" scenario where you have to survive with people you don't know, I believe that would have been best left to another series. It became more of a "Lord of the Flies" situation which was not what Stargate was all about. Stargate suddenly became Battlestar Galactica which was a good series as well but mixing the two together was a mistake. You can't just recreate a series that has been on TV so long that it has created a formula that makes it unique then mess with that formula to get something completely different and cut off from it's origins. Can't be done. That's why I think Stargate Universe only got 2 seasons. 

      The second season ended with a semi-cliffhanger that was supposed to be turned into a movie but the idea was cancelled. At least Stargate-SG1 had a movie or two and they didn't really need them.

      In conclusion, I think Stargate was this generation's Star Trek. It had some of the same traits but many differences that made it unique to its generation. Stargate should be put in the Sci-Fi series Hall of Fame.

Supernatural: Angels Are As Bad As Demons

      Since Season 1 we've only seen the Demons of Supernatural and were rightly afraid of them as well as hated them for how they tortured our Winchester Boys. Yet if there's a Hell there has to be a Heaven (the whole Yin-Yang, balance of the universe thing). So in Season 4, Angels have entered the world stage and have been a fixture ever since. However, they've proven to be as deceitful and cruel as their evil counter parts, the Demons. So who is more Evil?

The Gang meets the REAL desperate house wives.

      If you've read the Bible or at least excerpts from the internet then you'd find that those angels are nothing like the Precious Moments angels or the angels you find on get well cards. Angels come in different flavors: from tricksters to creatures of wrath and destruction. The angels of Supernatural are more like bureaucrats/soldiers with wings. But Demons? Well quite accurate to say that they pretty evil. They don't hide who they are, they know exactly what they're supposed to do and that's to cause pain and misery. 

It's the quiet secretary angels you should watch out for.

      Angels say they're above human emotion but that's not what I've seen. Angels seem to me whiney, co-dependent babies who started the Apocalypse because Daddy (God) just left them behind without explanation or instructions. God designed the angels to obey. He can't have every living thing have free will or else there would be chaos. However, the angels just decided to do whatever they want so I guess God made them with free will but didn't tell them they had a choice. You would think that since they can't possess a human (or just any human) unless invited in but also has the free will to kick them out that angels would be polite. Nope. With the exception of Cas and Anna, angels prefer to use scare tactics to get a stubborn vessel (like Sam and Dean) to say "yes" or sometimes use lies and disguise themselves to trick someone into letting them in. Demons just walk right in and wear people like a suit until they are forcefully removed. 

Pull my finger...

          Demons seem like the angels in the respect that the lesser are like sheep. They need leadership but when two big players like Crowley and Abbadon are wrestling for control, most demons prefer to stay out of the fray until there's a victor. Angels as a species have this instinct to immediately form factions and everyone has to either pick a side or get an angel blade in their gut. Join or die? I'd prefer to stay out of it. The irony is that some demons can become a little good. Meg likes to have a cause to follow. Unlike other demons when she believes in someone (like Lucifer or even Castiel) she'll stand behind them until they fall or she does. I applaud Meg's loyalty. If only angels could do the same. Then there's Crowley. He was ready to become human even after all the evil he had done. He even snuck a few syringes of human blood just so he could feel. 

This was a case of identity theft...

         Angels are all over the place and they are feeling pretty wrathful. If they're not careful they'll destroy half the universe. Their dad would not be happy about that! I think God left because every time he chooses a favorite the angels get jealous and throw a fit. Angels are supposed to watch over the human race but they do so with disdain, calling them monkeys or apes or slime. Castiel loves humanity. He loves how even in the darkest of times humans can rise above and conquer it all. Sure he sees we have flaws but he's cool with that. 

Meg was a ballsy bitch & we loved her (as did Cas)

       So who is more evil? It's a tie! As we've seen not all angels are good and not all demons are bad. It varies from demon to angel on who is good and who is evil. So just because there are a few rotten apples doesn't mean the whole barrel is rotten. 

His Lowness has sunk as low as he could go...

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Originals: The Klaus & Cami Snafu!

What's a little friction between friends?
          From a previous blog I have written how important Cami is to Klaus (romantic or otherwise). Now it seems the writers are rocking the Klamille boat. Will they patch things up?

Trouble in paradise...

          After Klaus let Elijah murder Agnes (the witch who hexed Cami's twin brother Sean) he went to tell Cami the good news. However, Cami did not seem so thrilled. In fact she gave the Hybrid a good slap across the face and said she was angry at him for compelling her to "be fine". She said she felt broken because she couldn't feel bad or confused about her brother's homicide/suicide. I'm sorry, Cami's upset that she could sleep at night? I don't get some people. I guess Cami is one of those who prefer to stew in their misery over being fine and moving on. I also don't understand why Cami was pissed that her brother's murderer was dead. It's not like Agnes would have stood trial. I do however, understand why Cami is angry at her uncle Kieran. He's her family and instead of telling her the truth he made her think she was crazy. Worst yet, Kieran is working with Marcel and Klaus in a secret cabal that runs the French Quarter.

You have to admit there's chemistry here

        I thought that when Klaus showed her how badly he was treated by his parents that Cami would be more sympathetic (being a Psyche major who is supposed to understand the mind), and she was. Cami was in tears of sympathy for Klaus. Yet later she conveniently forgot that Klaus did it to protect her. I know that sounds strange given Klaus usually uses compulsion to say compel some kid onto a roof to fiddle away or to poison water and give it to his friend. However, we should know that Klaus has 1,000 years of emotional baggage to sort out through. He just can't change over night. I guess Cami's reaction to being used as a pawn in Klaus's violent game of chess was a lot to bear so her anger is justified but I would have hoped that Cami would not go so far as to threaten to expose Klaus to the world. 

I kinda wanted them to kiss here. I actually expected it!

           I doubt Cami will expose Klaus to the world if he hurt Josh or Davina. First of all, Kieran and the humans of the French Quarter wouldn't let her. Tourism would plummet and there would be panic. Second, if Cami exposed Klaus then everyone would be exposed including Davina and Josh so in fact Cami would do more damage with her desire for honesty than anything. Some secrets are best kept secret. 

Take this down...

        Knowing who Klaus is we have to wonder why hasn't Klaus killed Cami yet? He might think about it. It probably wouldn't be the first time he had to kill a friend or someone he liked. But I would like to think Klaus's need for an honest friend like Cami would overpower his desire for self preservation. I would hope Cami awakened some more mercy or compassion in Klaus that he would try a less violent way to deal with his former therapist turned enemy. Maybe he'll apologize? One can only hope. 

Cami is the angel on this devil's shoulder

        If a certain blond from Mystic Falls can arouse compassion in this devil hybrid then this blond in the French Quarter could have the same affect. I just hope that Cami and Klaus can patch things up. Klaus needs Cami in his life, romantic or otherwise. She has an influence over him in some way. It doesn't seem like her influence reaches so deep now but Klaus did spare Kieran's life (less for a political reason and more for Cami's sake of not losing another close family member to the supernatural). Let's face it, Klaus has bad luck in male friends. He's surrounded by strong no-nonsense women and they're not afraid to give Klaus a bitter dose of truth and honesty Klaus respects. So instead of an entourage of guys, Klaus may turn to women's council more often. Here's hoping that the writers will discover a way to get Klamille back together.