I just want to say that there have been a lot of good shows this year. It's also been a good year for veteran shows like Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries. NBC has given us a few gems as well as ABC, which is why I was so conflicted about my voting choices.

First category I voted for was Best TV Actor. I saw Jonathan Rhys Meyers & Joseph Morgan RIGHT NEXT TO each other and thought: WHY, LORD?! Two of my favorite actors had to be side by side to make my decision even harder! Yet I had to weigh them against each other. I've known about JRM much longer than JM. I first fell under JRM's spell when he played Henry VIII on Showtime's The Tudors. I was just enthralled by how he portrayed his character; his ego, his paranoia, his romantic side, and of course his all-around rock star ability to bed every girl he set his eyes on. JRM and a love scene is like watching art: he's got that sexual animal magnetism that I've become very attracted to. JRM plays these characters that are monsters but he makes you love them despite their evil ways. It's that duality of human character that not many actors can grasp. JRM playing Dracula, for me, was a sort of revival of not just the character but also the reason why I started watching him in the first place. Dracula is a monster but there's that small part that is a man who can love and feel sorrow. JRM can cry; a cry that makes you feel bad for him for a minute and forget that he may turn around and kill someone later.

Then there's Joseph Morgan. First time I saw him was on The Vampire Diaries. He played Klaus, a 1,000 year old Hybrid Original, and I admit, I had chills; good chills. Like most people I didn't really know the sexy British Actor, but once I started watching him I fell in love. JM's character was supposed to be killed off in Season 3 but thankfully the writers and producers changed their minds and kept Klaus around. During Season 3 we began to see that there was more to Klaus. JM gave his evil character so many layers: his father beat him, his mother rejected him, he's terrified of being alone then there's his charm, his romantic gestures, and his artistic talent. These conflicting qualities, Joseph Morgan played so well that we fell in love with Klaus despite his villain status. Klaus became that bad boy with so many emotional issues from Mommy & Daddy problems to his over all self loathing. When JM cried after Mikael said that no one cared about Klaus, my heart really broke. I hated Mikael! I was actually more on Klaus's side than I was on the Salvatore Brothers' side. Over all, JRM & JM prove that you can be aesthetically pleasing yet have this amazing amount of talent to go with it. So I was sad whatever my decision. I chose Jonathan Rhys Meyers in the end because I've known him longer and he just screams his character.
Then there was Best Sci-Fi TV Show. It was another struggle between Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries. Although I have never missed an episode of either (except in High School where I had to work late into 10 pm and before when I didn't want to watch TVD), I still had to choose Supernatural. Supernatural has been with me since 2005. It came on a little while before The Vampire Diaries in 2009. I actually didn't see the first few episodes of TVD because of the horrible Twilight-fad. Sparkling vampires? COME ON! So I wasn't really in the mood for another vampire/human romance. Yet I began watching TVD around episode 4 of Season 1. After that…I was in love. These vampires revived the mythology and weren't like the Twilight fairies that I came to loathe. Also there was a spin on TVD, where the vampires were more human. Also there was sex and knowledge of sex where as the Twilight-fad was a little less realistic in terms of teenage hormones. Damon was probably my favorite anti-hero with all of his quips and sarcasm. Yet Damon was a lovesick fool and that was endearing. I've tweeted, I've Facebooked, and I've joined a TVD fan site. I was very active in the show's popularity, but this is about why I chose SPN.
No one really expected Supernatural to go on for as long as it did. Yet the Winchester Brothers, their Guardian Angel in a trench coat, and Cranky Drunk Father-Figure won my heart. These two sexy guys with guns hunting down monsters helped me get over my fear of horror a little bit. I actually dabble in writing horror stories. They even got me interested in the field of filming. I guess I can attribute my love of my camera and visual storytelling to Supernatural. Also this show kind of broke the mold. It was more about two brothers who would die for each other and that family doesn't just mean blood. I was going to be sad whatever I chose.
I was torn between a lot of new TV Dramas for Best New TV Drama. Yet in the end, The Originals won almost unreservedly. I didn't just choose the TVD spin-off because I felt bad that I didn't vote for Joseph Morgan for Best Actor but because I felt this show is coming around to stand on its own two feet. It's becoming more independent of TVD; some people actually like it MORE than TVD. People new to the whole show also find it amazing. The cast has excellent chemistry, the storyline is damn near perfect, and the characters have more amoral tendencies. It's proving to be darker than The Vampire Diaries in many respects.
I admit that Klaus being a dad threw me but after 5 minutes I realized that it was meant to be and I liked Hayley before but I love her even more now. Hayley was actually not very well liked on TVD but since her time on TO, people have begun to warm up to her. The problem before was that Hayley was a minor character and so didn't get as much attention as the major characters.
On TO we can explore more about Hayley and her character and see that there's more to her than meets the eye. I feel also that Rebekah is getting more of the spot light. Before we all just focused on Elijah and Klaus (well how could we not? I mean look at them!) but now I feel Rebekah can branch out and like Hayley we can see more of what makes her tick.
So in the end, I was only half-happy with my choices. Personally I think the People's Choice Awards exists because the Emmys think they're too good for great shows like these. Nina Dobrev should win a god damn Emmy for her amazing work playing multiple people on TVD and doing it so convincingly that you would think she had a twin or another actress was playing the parts. Yet People's Choice Awards is about as far as we can get these days. Oh Well. These actors and shows have won in our eyes and hearts at least and I'm sure the actors and producers of these shows appreciate that more because it's People's Choice, not some Academy that has unbelievably high standards.
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