Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Game of Thrones: Consequences of Daenerys and Jon Snow

A fairytale story... of a man falling in love with his
long lost aunt... Ok not a classic fairytale...

  Season 7 was like a fan fiction (except for that Arya & Sansa storyline that was done poorly). The biggest thing to happen this season is the long awaited Jonerys hook up. Despite the groans and obvious objections like they're aunt and nephew Jon and Daenerys still have great on screen chemistry and a powerful attraction to each other. But eventually Bran is going to tell Jon about his true origins so what kind of consequences will there be after the Jonerys hook up. 

Jon is great with kids; especially the big and scaly ones

1. Incest. Yes they're related. We keep saying it. No need to go deep into that until later.

Rhaeger couldn't have two wives? He had
to divorce one?

2. Jon is really the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne being that his parents married. Being a boy he would be ahead of Daenerys. 

You know when Jon invites you into a cave you're in for
6 inches of Snow

3. Both Jon and Daenerys will face emotional and personal consequences after discovering that not only are they related but that they are rivals for the Iron Throne. Daenerys thought she was the last Targaryen and Jon thought he was a Northern Bastard unable to inherit (despite the fact he was named King in the North). 

That moment you wonder: "Did I back the right monarch
or just support another mad queen?"

    So why was Tyrion lurking outside Dany's door? Some hint at a love triangle but it was more like concern. Tyrion's perceptive and knew that eventually Jon or Daenerys would act on their feelings for one another and to him there are more set backs to this. Jon and Daenerys are both rulers and the romantic feelings they have for each other may affect their decisions in the future. Something that seems strategic could be overlooked because it puts one of them in danger or a decision may benefit one monarch but royally screw the other. He is right. Also when Daenerys finds out she has a blood relative living as well as a rival for her throne she won't want to share and may see Jon as a threat.

Drogon: "Mom, I like my new Dad."

    Another consequence is the North won't be happy with Jon when he gets there. They named him their king and though they were ready to name Sansa the Queen in his long absence they prefer a Northern Monarch to Southern Rule which has caused them nothing but pain and suffering over the decades. They won't just bend the knee to Daenerys on Jon's word. Also since the White Walkers brought down the Wall and are on the move with a zombie dragon Daenerys will be pissed that she let Jon convince her to leave her other dragons behind. Jon may know cunnilingus but everything else he seems to know very little. 

Daenerys: I can't have children.
Jon: *Challenge accepted*

     However there are also some pros to this situation. Jon already bended the knee to Daenerys so one may sight that as him giving up any kind of crown to her including the Iron Throne. The Targaryens have been practicing incest marriages for centuries and while it has led to some downsides in this case it could be more beneficial. For one thing Dany thinks she's barren. If she dies before Jon then the kingdom will have an heir. Or maybe what the witch said was total bull shit and Dany can have children in which case still the Targaryen line will continue. Second of all, it would bring two warring houses together and like Dorne bring the North back into the fold. 

Some romantic music should be playing right now...
What music do you play for an incest hook up? Alternative Rock?

    Another thing is that strong romantic feelings don't just go away. Jon and Daenerys have been giving each other heavy burning looks of longing ever since that cave. Jon is honest when it comes to his feelings and he may have chosen the Night's Watch over Ygritte he may opt to do the opposite and hope he and his aunt paramour can work it out. Like Jaime said infamously in season 3: "We don't get to choose who we love." Daenerys thought she was the last one of her House to survive but finding another relative may make her happy though conflicted. I still hold out hope for them even though romances don't have a great track record in Game of Thrones. 

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