Recently I did a blog about how Jon Snow is the Savior. Now I'm going to do one about how Daenerys is the Conqueror.
"A prince is riding. I've heard the thunder of his hooves. Swift as the wind he rides. His enemies will cower before him and their wives will weep tears of blood... The Stallion Who Mounts the World."
~ Ser Jorah translating Dosh Khaleen
Mother of Dragons |
She's not just a Henry Tudor figure (because Game of Thrones was based off of the War of the Roses) but also I see a bit of Alexander the Great and Cleopatra in her. She's young but she exhibits an intelligence for strategy. She's wrong sometimes but Dany is wise enough to recognize her mistakes and take her counselors advice. Dany is definitely a liberator and to the slaves she freed she is a Savior but Daenerys has to deal with politics and that means sacrificing certain lower classes such as when she had to execute one of her devoted followers who murdered a Son of the Harpy before his trial forcing her to enforce the law. Let's look at the prophecy:
The Unburnt |
"As swift as the wind he rides, and behind him his khalasar covers the earth, with arakhs shining in their hands like blades of razor grass. Fierce as a storm this prince will be. His enemies will tremble before him, and their wives will weep tears of blood and rend their flesh in grief. The bells in his hair will sing his coming, and the milk men in their stone tents will fear his name. The prince is riding, and he shall be the stallion who mounts the world."
~ Dothraki Prophecy
Breaker of Chains |
The mistake many make is they're expecting a man, a prince but I'm reminded of the time of Elizabeth I's birth when her parents were promised a boy by some astrologers. King Henry even had a letter already written out announcing the arrival of a prince but when she was born he had to squeeze in the "ss". Given the Dothraki have a strict patriarchal society where only men can lead I can see why they would assume the Stallion would be male but look at the prophecy carefully when I take out the other stuff:
"As swift as the wind he rides... Fierce as a storm this prince will be... the milk men in their stone tents will fear his name..."
Mysha |
Before season 6 from seasons 1-5 Daenerys is seen as a threat to those ruling Westeros because she's the last living heir of the Targaryen Dynasty and could easily claim the throne as well as take vengeance on those who rebelled and massacred her family. Milk Men in Stone Tents is an obvious reference to the people of Westeros who would certainly fear Dany's coming because she had an army though not yet big enough. Daenerys also make reference to her nickname "Stormborn" because she was born during a terrible storm while her family fled Westeros. You can certainly describe Dany as "fierce as a storm" given her temper and the havoc she can wreak. "As swift as the wind he rides" could absolutely refer to Dany riding her dragons.
"...and behind him his khalasar covers the earth, men without number..."
Now that Daenerys has the Dothraki behind her she can add it to her growing army. If you want you can count the Tyrell, Martell, and Greyjoys which would stretch her army as far as the eye could see.
So many titles... |
I know it's tempting to paint Dany as a savior like Jon but there's a defining difference between them. Dany has a foul temper worthy of the Targaryen name. She believes in her destiny. In season 2 when she was asked why she wanted the Iron Throne at first she said, "I promised my khalasar I'd keep them safe" but when pressed she said, "I want the Iron Throne because it is mine by right." But she's also unforgiving. She killed the Masters at Astapor, she banished Jorah for his betrayal, and she wanted to burn down every slave city that tried to destroy Mereen.

Jon on the other hand can leave his temper at the door and do what he thinks is right regardless of how he feels, which I think is due to the influence of his Stark upbringing. He didn't ask to be Lord Commander, he didn't want to betray Ygritte, and he didn't want to fight for Winterfell but he did those things because he's bound by an honor code. Jon follows orders to the best of his abilities and will sacrifice himself if there's no other way. I have no doubt that once his legitimacy comes to light he'll tell Dany he doesn't want the Iron Throne and be one of the few people who actually mean it. Jon is not ambitious like Dany.