Sunday, April 26, 2015

Grimm: RIP Aunt Marie's Trailer

Things they lost in the fire

                   There have been many TV deaths over the years. Many sad, some devastating but probably none have been more shocking or hurtful than the burning of Aunt Marie's Trailer on Grimm. In a huge twist, Juliette trashed the trailer then set it ablaze! That's it! Juliette crossed a line! 

I'll miss those all-nighters

            For 4 seasons that trailer was the answer to many of Nick's questions about Wesen and his ancestors. Next to Rosalie's spice shop, Nick's Trailer had every rare thing he needed to fight dangerous Wesen. Basically it was a Grimm's library/museum/armory with the biggest collection of all things Wesen and Grimm than most of what the Grimms all over the world had. Then Josh's dad added some of his family heirlooms to the collection which probably went up in flames too. I have to admit the trailer was the biggest part of the show that I loved. So many amazing things in there! The whole Grimm crew spent a few sleepless nights in there with junk food, bonding while researching for a strange, Wesen case which we will all cherish. It was like an initiation rite entering that tin bucket on wheels into a strange world but now it's gone. Yet we have Monroe, Rosalie, and Reynard. Also Nick, Hank, and Wu remember most of what they learned so they could all write it down again. 

You're not a part of the Grimm crew until you've been in the trailer

Miss those nights of bonding

          One thing I hope though is that those keys (if anyone remembers them at all) weren't in there. Or does Nick still have them? I don't even remember anymore so many story lines on this show get put on a shelf and forgotten until 8 episodes later they're brought to light.

This is irreplaceable 

          In next week's promo we see Nick snap. This was the last straw! Kid gloves are off for Nick and while I don't see him killing Juliette I see him 100% willing to put her down Adalind's way. Whether or not he'll succeed has yet to be seen. All I can say is the writers are stepping things up a little. In season 5 they're going to re-boot the series which to me sounds like a time jump into the future. We'll see how things go. For now I'm gonna miss that old tin can on wheels full all things Grimm.

Worst death to happen to TV

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