Thursday, February 26, 2015

The 100: Clarke's Sexuality And We're All Cool With It

Hey power is sexy

         The 100 has been hitting a lot of home runs lately recently when it comes to representing LGBT. Last night's episode Lexa and Clarke locked lips but Clarke pulled away not because she's "not into girls" but because she's not ready to be with anyone. Twitter was gushing with love! 

Here let me wipe that blood and dirt off your
bronzed abs

         The CW network has been shaking things up a bit by introducing gay/bisexual characters though so far they've been more or less in the background in my opinion. I mean the gay characters of The Vampire Diaries haven't been involved in any serious relationships or in Luke's case we didn't see him mack on his boyfriends at all; though with Nadia as usual showing girl on girl is more okay than guy on guy. But the The Originals features Josh and Aiden a vampire/werewolf gay couple and showed us some lovely action which puts them on equal footing with the other characters. Now I feel The 100 has taken bolder steps. 

Didn't like this pairing from the start!
Bellarke for life!

         The post-apocalyptic setting of The 100 is all about survival more than concern for sexual preference. The Grounder Commander Lexa is by all accounts a powerful, strong warrior and none of her people care about her preference for women. One part is what better way to open some peace talks than with a little love fest? Another part of it could be that electing a new Commander is based on the reincarnation of his/her spirit so the soul of the Commander knows not gender, in fact you could say the Commander's soul is hermaphroditic which has existed in some Ancient cultures such as India and Greece. Then there's that 99% guarantee of death every single day so go ahead and sleep with who ever you want regardless of gender. Which leads me to the subject of representing bisexuality in media...

"Hmm I missed the scent of dirt and blood in your hair"
"You too."

          Bisexuals get a bad rep. In reality they are just like everyone else but because they're attracted to both sexes they get a reputation for just being promiscuous and so untrustworthy; incapable of being in a real relationship which is the exact opposite. Clarke wants to find her person whether it's a man or a woman.

When Clarke loves someone she goes all in

          Personally I'm a Bellarke fan. They're just so perfect for each other and the chemistry is amazing! Yet I also feel the crackling sparks between Lexa and Clarke. Once again Clarke has two love interests while everyone else is designated to one. Once Bellamy and Clarke reunite I expect lingering hugs and steamy "will-they-might-they" moments between them because so far Finn and Lexa have gotten to Clarke in some way but Bellamy hasn't! Though it'll be all the more romantically satisfying when Bellamy and Clarke finally come together.  



Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Originals: Davina Has Her Golden Dagger, Now What?

You look mad... wanna talk about it?

                      Kol's dead (we all saw that coming), Finn's still alive (damn it, Freya), Hayley's married and Elijah looks like he's moving out (me crying in a fetal position!) but the most shocking part I feel that was overlooked was that before Kol kicked the bucket he and Davina finally created the golden dagger which could put Klaus to sleep! Anyone else see this going bad for Davina in the future?

Don't rely on these knuckleheads, babe
             Let's examine Davina's whole "revenge" plot against Klaus and it's flaws. I love Davina. Really but her whole revenge against Klaus is... well overrated. True he killed her high school sweet heart, threatened Josh's life, and kicked Marcel off his throne and it would be weird if she didn't harbor any feelings of murderous intent towards him yet there are bigger, badder people in New Orleans that are worse than Klaus who should be on the receiving end of her powerful magic. For one, his sister Freya and brother Finn are hatching plots and Aunt Dahlia may be on the horizon. Feels like if Klaus were taken out then New Orleans would be thrown into chaos (again) and all the people she loves would be in even more danger because Finn still has this plan to wipe out ALL vampires. So as much as she loves Marcel and Josh, they would suffer the most from her revenge plot.

Klaus has 2 wingmen who have his back
Always and Forever

        Another fatal flaw in Davina's plan is what Klaus's brother, sister, and baby mama would do to her. Marcel may try to protect her but I feel he would still help Klaus I mean, the Hybrid is like a father to him after all. And Elijah always takes revenge on anyone who goes after his family. Then there's Hayley. Hayley and Klaus may fight but they're a team when it comes to their daughter and like when Klaus wanted to protect Hayley so Hope would have a mother growing up, Hayley will do the same. The Wolf Mama is a part of the Mikaealson family now. 

Don't let that pretty dress fool you, Hayley will get her nails
dirty for Klaus if need be

          Then there's Rebekah who's now a witch. She's not that good now but given enough time and practice she could make Davina's life miserable. Oh... but let's not forget Hope either. She's displayed some freaky witch power even as a baby. If Klaus is absent while she was growing up, Hope would definitely take revenge on Davina. But Cami could talk some sense into Davina right? Maybe. Cami could hold off the Mikaelsons but only for so long and she would try and convince Davina (who we all know is stubborn so won't give it up easily) to give up the dagger. 

Kol has a lot of dangerous toys
          I honestly don't see this going Davina's way. I see Freya or Finn or even Klaus ending up with the golden dagger and Davina would get nothing. There are worse people than Klaus in New Orleans right now and while Klaus has changed only somewhat (for the better) he's still more likely to make others miserable though at least for a good cause (to keep his daughter safe). Davina needs to grow up and realize that Klaus isn't her biggest problem right now, it's the other Mikaelsons, the Black Sheeps of the family: Finn, Freya, and Dahlia.   

Oh Kol why am I not surprised that you would screw this up
immediately after Klaus forgave you AND

Saturday, February 21, 2015

50 Shades of Hate

I'm 50 Shades of bored with this, which is another word for grey

                  As soon as my mother told me about how great 50 Shades of Grey was I immediately disliked it (sorry but she has little taste). But it feels wrong to dislike something based on other's opinions so I looked up (I refused to waste my time reading it when I had 30 other books to finish reading). Needless to say I have good reason to have a strong dislike for... well everything about the story. Here's why:

Jamie's face is all: "What the hell did I agree to?"
           1.) The Characters are horrible: As a writer or an aspiring writer I try my best to make my characters interesting and relatable. Yet the characters of 50 Shades of Grey? Oh God... there is no depth to them. Christian is more controlling and not as kinky as the writer tried to make him out to be. Anastasia? I feel like the name Anastasia Steele should belong to a stronger female character that's less pitiful. Anastasia is along for the ride and don't get me wrong, being a submissive is not a thing that should earn a woman shame from feminists but for Anastasia she seems nothing but submissive. Or sometimes she's the adult in the relationship but then totally caves; once she becomes pregnant then Christian (who's so insecure and infantile) tells her to get an abortion because he's afraid she'll love the baby more than him. Are you kidding me? Anastasia should dropped his ass and that be the end of it. She would have come out as a stronger person but instead she goes back to him and he suddenly changes. No. Unbelievable. Would never happen in real life.

I don't know what's more shocking: That this is an actual quote
from the book or film or even an actual fact.

          2.) It started out as a Twilight fan fiction: Of course! No wonder the characters are awful. Bella Swan insults my gender by being so hung up on some bony, pale emo that she tries killing herself over and over just to see his ghost when there's a perfectly tan, hot set of muscles right there to comfort her! The heroine Anastasia Steele feels just as pathetic with unreal expectations that she can change her brooding, dysfunctional man.

Yeah shouldn't we establish a safe word first?

         3.) It's NOT a love story: Though it masquerades itself pretty well as a love story it's NOT. Feminists say that it's more a picture of abuse than love. I agree.

Yes, Dakota, we all feel the chill between
you two

         4.) The lead actors have no chemistry: I don't want to cast aspersions on Dakota Johnson or Jamie Dornan but they have absolutely zero chemistry. There's no heat and I know that they're actors and this is a business but actors have to at least like each other to project some kind of spark. Even though there are stories of some acting co stars who despise each other but still give a good performance (ex: Lucille Ball and her co star who played Ethel loathed each other in real life) between Dakota and Jamie I get absolutely nothing. I'll chalk that up to them probably being very uncomfortable. Hell it's intimidating enough to get the courage to get in front of a camera and act your heart out but then you have material like this? I'll give the actors a pass but I expect them to do better on different projects in the future because I see real possibilities in both of them. 

No one cares about your inner goddess;
that makes less sense than what's happening right now

        5.) The BDSM community is NOT happy: Before it went mainstream, the kinky sex community of BDSM was sort of a dirty little mystery. What we got from it was there is pain mixed with pleasure. Yeah that's some of it but then there are outsiders who see it as perverted and that people who are into it are dysfunctional, mentally, emotionally disturbed people, which is FAR from the truth. To learn more about the community or to at least get the REAL story follow this link to an article on Buzzfeed. That being said, the community feels wrongly represented in the film. I completely agree. What I've researched I got that it's more about trust than anything. If you're going to write about something do ALL your research and not what you think it's about. 

This was rated R? Why? I've seen PG-13 films
more explicit than this

       6.) The only reason it's popular is because there's sex in it: Before there was the internet where you could easily access porn, there were movies and from the 80s to the 90s where you'll see your favorite actors in their acting prime in lurid, hot steamy sex scenes. But then the internet came so studios didn't feel the need to put sex scenes in a film aside from a half naked actress or two between explosions, gun fire, and car chases. Which brings me back to the no chemistry thing; sex scenes are already uncomfortable for the people involved but if it's in your contract it's best to smile your way through it. You should at least know your on screen partner well enough off screen that you can make each other feel less awkward while filming to project some sense of warmth. And you're not naked the whole time. If the camera is only filming from the waist up then actors can wear underwear and actresses can use the sheets to cover their upstairs. But from what I've seen Dakota and Jamie are mechanical. They put on a good show but they don't give any illusion of affection between their characters. 

Was staring out the window so consuming that he had to make
a girl wait? Dick

         Probably the only nice thing I can say about the film or the book of 50 Shades of Grey, is the album. That cover of Beyoncé's song "Crazy In Love" is stuck in my head and it's the sexy, steamy romance that the story should have been. The album's songs are the only redeemable things for the film itself. Otherwise this franchise is another failure artistically. Notice I never insulted E.L. James (except for maybe her lack of research into her subject) it's because as a writer myself I admit that the publishing business is almost impossible to make it big in. I'm glad that E.L. James and Stephanie Meyer have made money off of their projects but I wish if they ever write another book that they try for deeper stuff. It may not make a movie franchise but I feel it would earn them more respect overall. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Grimm: Love & Sex is a Biest

These 2 are definitely the people that shouldn't have
a baby together!

                 So now Nick's beauty is a beast and his worst enemy is his baby mama. Even for a Grimm that's messed up. Adalind sure is a fertile one but this surprise opens up an explosive new storyline!

Adalind's a biter but she bit off more than she could chew

          What do you get when you cross a hexenbiest with a Grimm? Like an anti-Christ? Or a mutant with 2 heads? Not sure this is in the books because even if it ever happened I doubt any Grimm would want to write it down. Adalind is still searching for her daughter but now finds out that she's having Nick's baby? Will she use it against Nick or even carry it to term? It would be a lost opportunity for her not to try and use the baby as leverage but would Nick even want the baby? We know he's a good guy but being bonded to Adalind, his nemesis, through a child could be too much to bear. He could just tell her to abort it. But is Nick really that kind of guy?

These two would definitely have angry sex

        Oh but let's not forget when Nick and Adalind had that psychic connection while she was locked up. They saw through each other's eyes. Could that have been a sign of Adalind's pregnancy or just another side effect of the spell she cast? Could they tap into that again? Or like I initially thought it could have been the baby. A baby of a Grimm and a hexenbiest has to have some interesting ability. Reynard has royal blood but is also a male hexenbiest. If Adalind has another baby and if it has Nick's Grimm gene then it'll have something that sets it apart from other wesen. 

Sorry no wedded bliss for you guys

        And you can be sure that Juliette won't be happy at all. She's a hexenbiest now and we all saw that little side smile after she kicked Adalind's ass. She can fight it as much as she wants but Juliette kinda likes being a powerful witch. Side note, if she has sex with Nick now that she's a hexenbiest will his powers go away again or is it like a booster shot? Anyway in an interview with Bitsie Tulloch she hinted that Juliette may move out in the future so Nick and Juliette could be headed for a break up. Juliette may go after Adalind out of revenge, which would force Nick to make a decision about whether or not he wants to be a dad and be responsible for this child even if it's with Adalind. 

Adalind wants her baby but can she raise 2?

        Meanwhile Elizabeth is looking for her grand daughter, Diana who is being raised by Kelly. We all can't wait to see that fight go down. But they would find that they'll be connected in new ways since they will both have a grand child through Adalind. Not sure if even Kelly would be happy about having a grandchild with hexenbiest blood or she could see this as an opportunity as well as she saw one with Diana. Maybe nurture will overcome nature for Nick's baby?

"Mommy" I think Adalind likes the sound of that

         Adalind and Nick are the two people who should never have children together but it could turn out that Adalind will want to keep this baby if she can't have Diana. Before her first pregnancy Adalind was an unsympathetic bitch but then she gained some humanity with motherhood. So perhaps even if Nick doesn't want to be a part of his child's life Adalind will get a chance to be a mom. Either way I'm praying for a spin off one day where Diana is all grown up and comes to take the throne!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The 100: Mother vs Daughter

Is he contagious?

                    As the alliance between the Grounders and the Sky People continues there is still some great amount of tension. Most of that tension can be seen between Clarke and her mother Abby who is the Chancellor. Last week's episode sees Abby backing down from Clarke.

"They listen to you."~Abby
"Because Lexa told them to."~Clarke

           We can all see both sides of this conflict. For one thing Abby may be Chancellor but the only person the Grounders want to deal with is Clarke. No matter how hard Abby tries to insinuate herself or try to jump in to the conversation, none of her words hold any weight for Indra or Lexa. One of the reasons I can think of is Clarke was the first Sky Person they've come face to face with and who has basically proven herself a leader or because she took it upon herself to be the 100's voice. Another reason is for Grounders it's not uncommon that children under the age of 17 can be warriors or lead. Lexa herself seems to be around Clarke's age and the Grounders obey her (to some extent). Lastly is Clarke has proven herself not only as a warrior but as a leader, especially in Lexa's eyes. We can all see that Lexa respects Clarke enough to be honest and insists that Clarke be in on the war meetings to plan strategy and not Abby who is the elected (technically anyway...) official of the Sky People. 

Can't we all just get along?

         Yet I can also understand Abby's side. She still thinks of Clarke as her child, her baby and that's hard to let go for a mother. Abby feels like she failed Clarke first with her father then with sending her down to the ground where there was 100% chance that she would die either from radiation or from something in the new dangerous environment. So she's trying extra hard to protect Clarke. On some occasions Abby backed Clarke up but last episode she and her daughter really struggled to find common ground. Clarke displayed ruthlessness, which the Grounders respect, while Abby still advocates mercy, which the Grounders perceive as weakness. Abby has the right philosophy but the wrong way of doing it. She's forcing her opinions less tactfully which may do more harm to the alliance than good. 

Clarke & Lexa just made Mount Weather's most wanted

        Kane is behind Clarke all the way. He sees that the remaining of the 100 can help bridge the gap. He also isn't forcing his ideologies on the Grounders. We saw how he almost made it across the aisle before Indra shot his hand away. Yet Indra took on Octavia as her second, her apprentice, which is some progress. Of course Kane is till into using deceit in trying to understand the Grounders, asking Octavia to basically spy on them. If Indra finds out that Kane even asked it could set the alliance back a few steps. She hates the Sky People enough as it is and Kane's covert tacts won't help.

"You may be Chancellor, but I'M in charge." BURN!

       Last week's episode made it clear that Abby might be Chancellor but Clarke is in charge. Clarke is basically the unofficial Chancellor so Abby's going to have to deal with that and stop treating Clarke like a child. The Grounders have shown more respect (or their version) to the 100 than to the new arrivals. They have been proven as warriors or they learned the first rule of being on the ground: fight or die. We know from our history that warring factions have a tenuous peace especially when one party makes a home next to local tribe. But we also know that inevitably these two factions will come together, adopting some of the others language, absorbing traditions and also interbreeding. It's already happened. At the burning of Finn's body with his victims Clarke surprised the Grounders by using their farewell saying: "Your fight is over" in their language while Lexa continues to use English when negotiating. Abby may step down from office and let Clarke take over or she could try and ruin the whole thing but either way the Grounders know who has the power in the Sky People camp. 
So we turn left at which tree again?

Sunday, February 8, 2015

OUAT: Who Is The Mysterious Author?

Fitting title. Or just call it the History of the Enchanted Forest

                    To be honest I'm curious as to who the Author is. Personally I think it's psychotic that Regina believes if she wasn't portrayed as the Evil Queen and even after all the good she's done that she's still a villain. Now Rumple believes the same thing and that finding the Author of Henry's book to make him (or her) write them their happy ending will solve everything. I doubt that but who is the mystery Author?

This is psychotic, Regina even for you

How long has been an apprentice? You'd think he'd
be a master by now...

         My first instinct is to name the enigmatic warlock known only as The Sorcerer. From what little we know he seems to have some gift of prophecy. He foretold that Emma would be born and that the Snow Queen would meet her one day. The Sorcerer seems to live in another dimension and prefers to be left alone. His only link to the real world is his apprentice, who is now trapped in the magical hat. The Sorcerer could be forced to get his apprentice back if he's not as cold hearted as we may think. So the Sorcerer may make an appearance in order to get his apprentice back. Or maybe the Apprentice is the Sorcerer!? BOOM! Mind blown! But there's also another theory...

Let's be friends! Forget that I'm a total liar

       It may seem like a stretch but Lilith, a friend from Emma's past, could be the mystery author. I personally found Lilith annoying because she was whining about how she hated her home though she's very lucky to have found a family that loved and wanted her enough to go look for her when she ran away. But I suppose that would make her perfect for being the next antagonist for the second half of the season. Lilith also has a star shaped birth mark on her wrist and I don't know about you but that seems significant. She could have run away again then found a portal to a magical realm that was her original home and wrote the book in order to see Emma again. Like I said it feels like a stretch but I've learned from watching this show that the most unexpected events could happen that may seem unimportant then but when you see all sides of the story it makes it more complex and shocking. 

See it records the past not control the future.

        If they find the Author would making them write Regina a happy ending work? Doubtful. The Fairytale Book doesn't paint pictures of black and white archetypes. It seems more like it's a recording of history so people in the book can right their wrongs and change for the better. Villains don't get happy endings because they take short cuts or they keep making the same mistakes over and over again, which is the very definition of insanity. I have more hope for Regina than I do for Rumple to be honest but she has to believe that she's not a villain any more in order to get a real happy ending. Hell the Author could already be in Storybrooke. How else would that page of Regina and Robin Hood have gotten into Robin's hands? Someone must have put it in his backpack. But who???

Your happy ending is up to you not to some Author

Friday, February 6, 2015

Grimm: Will Juliette Be the New Baddie?

Juliette could use some moisturizer... or let's use a bag

                   I heard that NBC renewed Grimm. Great! Now if they'll only renew Constantine. But let's stay on point. I'm not Juliette's biggest fan but now that she's a hexenbiest she's become a whole lot more interesting. 

They need a fridge if people are going to keep using this trailer

            The world of Grimm is a weird one for sure. We knew Wesen were born but had no idea that they could be made! Hexenbiests must be a gray area. So that sort of opens up a few more questions like if Juliette is a hexenbiest and sleeps with Nick will he lose his powers again or is it like the chicken pox where you get it once but are immune for the rest of your life? Or can Nick's Grimm blood take away Juliette's hexenbiest powers? One thing's for sure, we know that Hexenbiest aren't exactly known for their compassion. Reynard's mother seemed nice enough but I feel that's because they knew where her grand daughter Diana was and needed them to protect her. And Reynard's dark side is seriously scary! To add to the long list of horrors, Juliette's been having murder dreams about her friends. 

"Oops! Did I do that?"

           So can Juliette be cured? If not will she become evil or at least become really vindictive and manipulative causing Nick and the gang all sorts of new problems. All I know is, the writers of Grimm have all these story lines floating in the air while letting some collect dust making it a little confusing. Hopefully in season 5 we find out what those keys (if you remember that mythology of the show) lead to and just what powerful objects was deemed too dangerous to give to the Royals?

Ah he deserved it

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Constantine: Manny Is Human-ish For a Day

You think it's so easy Manny? Just you wait...

                      Still no word from NBC on renewal or cancelation. Don't stress about that pesky Cancelation Bear though. To get your minds off of such frustrations, let's talk about the up and coming episode where John Constantine forces Manny to be more hands on in the war against the Rising Darkness. So far Manny's shown himself (like all angels) above the messy, chaotic life of being a human to the point of scoffing or just plain looking down his nose at us (you know like a celestial robot), BUT recently we've seen that he's also very curious about life on earth. In the promo John uses a gruesome spell to get Manny on the physical plain.

Stop being such a robot!

           I think there was one occasion in Hellblazers where John gets a succubus to seduce the Archangel Gabriel then in the middle of their sex romp rips out his heart. Then Gabriel is banished from heaven by God because of this but John holds onto the Archangel's heart so he could control him. Feel free to correct me, any Hellblazer fans. So this seems a bit similar to that. In "Blessed are the Damned" Manny expressed curiosity about the feeling of pain and about the feeling of the sun. Angels don't seem to get out much. The Earth was made for humans so angels pretty much stay on the side lines. But that doesn't mean Manny or any of the other angels aren't grumbling about it. Manny wants to feel the sun on his face and the wind on his skin but he's a good soldier. Or is he...

Like hell, bitch!

          The more time you spend with someone the more they start to have an effect on you. Manny was pretty straight laced and disciplined when we first met him but since then he's been stepping a few inches too close to that line of interfering, which is forbidden. Angels are meant to guide not give direct influence to change events. But Manny broke that role once when he ripped out Imogene's heart. He said he'll face consequences for that. In the promo we see that Manny will be faced with a few temptations, one of them being sex. He obviously has never seen Grey's Anatomy. 

Stop berating and help!

           It's easy to see that Manny is different from other angels and like Cas from Supernatural he may choose to break a few more rules in order to help John save the world. But also he'll most likely be punished severely for it. He thinks angels would have done better with this world; we'll have to see how Manny handles the physical world and all its temptations. Maybe it'll give him perspective into the human condition.


12 Monkeys: SyFy's Newest Gem

Welcome to our Wall of Crazy
                           SyFy Channel has quite a few gems: Battlestar Galactica, Stargate, Haven, Defiance, and recently Dominion and I feel that they can add 12 Monkeys to their crown. Based off the film of the same name released in 1995 (starring an all star cast: Bruce Willis, Madeleine Stowe, Brad Pitt, and Christopher Plummer), SyFy's 12 Monkeys is about a plague that ravages the earth driving the human race to extinction in the aftermath, but a criminal James Cole volunteers to go back in time to stop the plague from ever happening.

You may feel some slight discomfort

              The production is spot on. I'm not a huge time traveler fan to be honest; mostly because they focus and emphasize on the problem with paradoxes and the butterfly effect, but in 12 Monkeys it feels minor. I feel like I can watch without obsessing over those annoying factors because the characters are so much more interesting. Especially in 2043 where violent gangs are running amok, raping and pillaging where ever they go. And you really see the difference in each time period where in 2043 it's very dark, almost drained of color while in 2015 it's vibrant and bright. Needless to say the future looks bleak and the past is a sort of golden age that our characters are trying to get back or preserve. And I've noticed that a lot of the scientists in the future like smoking in the board room. It's like a grim, depressing version of Mad Men, but that adds to the air of hopelessness. The world is ending so why not cancer? Besides if they succeed they'll all be erased and none of this will ever have happened. Also it adds some hint of realism. Some people smoke despite the dangers. This human flaw makes it all the more relatable in some way. 

Should Aaron be intimidated?

              As far as casting I feel we have some real gems. I recognize most of them as alumni from The CW's Nikita, a spy thriller show that lasted 4 seasons. I never really saw the original film but Aaron Stanford plays his character, the sullen, almost hopeless Cole so well that I feel like I don't have to in order to keep up. Noah Bean, who plays Aaron Marker, should always be in a suit. Just saying he does politician or man in charge very well but he also feels original in small ways so you're not bored with his character. Aaron seems like a minor player in this dangerous game but I feel he's also vital, whether as a help or a hindrance I'm not sure yet but I can't wait to find out!

Just a nice stroll in the danger zone

        Amanda Schull I haven't seen much of before but I'm quite impressed with how she portrays her character Dr. Cassandra Railly. She's not at all naive more idealistic and shows a great amount of compassion; she's pretty brave when faced with a gun in the face but reluctant to pull the trigger. Though she has a few chipped edges Cassandra recovers quickly. Amanda and Aaron balance each other's characters so well as far as their dynamic goes. Cole is hard but has a hidden soft side while Cassandra is the opposite, which allows for hints of character growth for both but also some tid-bits of humor to relax despite the doom that surrounds them.

Yeah I'm gonna have nightmares for sure, thanks

           12 Monkeys is a rare gem. I'm more into magic and fantasy but I also love the gritty, dark stuff and 12 Monkeys definitely fits that bill. It's a science fiction thriller that twists your mind into knots with its mysteries and hits home that moral message hidden in every science fiction story. Filled with suspense, horror and some heart to make you think that it would be a sin to miss out on this new series.

Scary... but really cool