Monday, July 7, 2014

Dominion: Who Are the Prophets?

Angels, Messiahs, and maybe Prophets?

              I recently watched the film Legion on FX. I forgot how scary it was. Truly a horror film but blood splatter and machine guns aside, I remember towards the end where Michael told Jeep to find the prophets. That reminded me of Dominion's Pilot episode where Jeep mentioned that he was looking for prophets. So my question is this: Who are these prophets?

So those tattoos really are everywhere

              We haven't really seen any prophets on the show, which kind of makes me wonder that if we did meet one what exactly their gifts would be and how could they have helped Jeep with the tattoos? From what we know about prophets they are supposed to be the mouth piece of God. They can foretell the future and are considered wise. In the film, Michael made it sound like the Prophets could interpret the tattoos, but in Dominion Jeep looked for some Prophets but either he couldn't find them (because he did mention that he was looking for prophets' who's name he might have misspelled) or he found them and they couldn't read the markings. But Prophets get their visions from God and His angels so if God is gone and the angels are trying to kill humanity then where would the prophets' visions come from? Maybe they have this gift at birth and it's just a psychic vision. 

Amazing how Alex doesn't have any health problems
as Charlie would smoke when she was pregnant
           I'm thinking that Charlie's (Alex's mother) mom was a Prophet because she spoke about a prophecy that the world would be covered in darkness because God was so angry with Mankind. The Bible talks about the Apocalypse, yes, but I feel like Charlie's mom had deeper insight as to what would happen. 

Lovely spot for a chat...

           I'm still shocked that there are people living outside the walls of the new cities but maybe they prefer solitude or hate big crowds. Because if there's a diner serving burgers and pudding in the desert then certainly there are prophets hiding somewhere. Given that we know most of our prophets lived in the desert it would make sense for some to be hiding in the sands of Nevada. So I hope that we get to meet some Prophets on Dominion

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