Thursday, June 12, 2014

Revolution: Miles Matheson's Journey

A warrior's journey is never done...

                 Miles Matheson is certainly an inspirational character. When we first met him he was a self loathing drunk who was devoid of hope of any redemption. Then Miles's niece came into his life (well maybe back into his life since he knew her when she was 4). Charlie then took him on a wild journey of not only physical danger but of emotional and spiritual danger that lead to a return to his old self (or a new self).

                 Before the Blackout, Miles was just a regular guy who was decent but a little messed up too. He was having an affair with his brother's girl. Still he ended it like a good guy would do. Then Miles kept his best friend from committing suicide after a horrible family tragedy. All in all Miles was every bit a hero with some tiny flaws that we would have loved to have a drink with. Then the Blackout happened...

RUN! Just another Monday or is it Wednesday?
        Miles's desire to do the right thing and to save innocents had lead him down a dark path. Miles kept finding bodies as he and Bass walked down to Chicago and when he found the men responsible, Miles pulled out some old fashioned street justice. So I guess finding his family had become sort of a second priority. His "distraction" with helping people along the way to help his actual family kind of reminds me of Charlie in season 1. Maybe that's one of the reasons Miles became so attached to her; she was his "mini-Miles". Miles's heart was in the right place and it would have gotten out of control sooner had he not have Bass to slow him down. But suddenly Bass snapped after losing his girlfriend and their baby in childbirth. Miles was in deep trouble after that. Now that Bass was on board his crazy train, there was little from holding Miles back from becoming the "Butcher of Baltimore". Then what Miles did to Rachel, his old paramour and sister-in-law. Still there was a small piece of mercy in Miles. He thought it better that Connor (Bass's son by Emma) be kept away from Bass who was a ticking time bomb and when Bass killed a rebel's whole family, including the kids, Miles realized what his passion for the "right thing" had come to.
"Happy Birthday, Brother." It's about to be a real bomb!

         I saw Miles's face when he saw that little coffin with the American Flag draped over it. He looked not only shocked but horrified. It was easy to blame Bass for the act but I think deep down Miles knew that he was largely to blame. But still he thought that killing Bass to save the Republic was the best move since he was getting more bloodthirsty. Miles was prepared to kill his best friend but when it came to actually do the deed, he couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger. It wasn't just that Bass was like a brother to him that he couldn't do it, Miles always had that nagging conscience to be merciful. 

"You think this'll be like field of dreams?" Nope

        So Miles ran away. He ran away to Chicago, where he was originally going to go before he decided to go Castro. He figured he would just drink himself to death in obscurity while Bass continued to descend into madness. Then Charlie came back into his life to give him a much needed kick in the pants. As I said in a previous blog, Miles and Charlie had a rough start but eventually Miles began to realize that Charlie made him believe in himself again. Miles regained his will to fight whatever evil entity threatens all human life. 

"We'll be like pirates!" Hell yes!

        Then in season 2, Miles kind of descended into old habits. He even tried to run away again. Miles was still weighed down by his self loathing on how much of a monster he used to be. He thought he was nothing but a killer and that everyone he loved would die because of him. But we know Miles well enough by now I think. As he was leaving Willoughby, Miles spotted a family being attacked. Like when he saw Jeremy Baker being beat on by thugs, Miles just couldn't walk past it. So he charged in then realized that he couldn't leave not just Rachel but the whole town at the mercy of the sharks circling the town. Miles wouldn't leave that caged woman behind when he was captured or risk her life. He didn't know that woman personally! Miles was even willing to stay behind and sacrifice himself so that the townspeople could live. 

Miles is prepared to take the hit

        Over the course of season 2, Miles continued to struggle with his demons. Bass coming back was like having a whiskey bottle placed in front of an alcoholic sober for a decade; those familiar days where it was just easier to be the old, despicable you. Up until the part where he was trapped and bleeding to death, I see that Miles was always looking for an easy way out; that his sacrifice would be better for everyone so he wouldn't cause any more misery. Yet there was that one moment that seemed to turn a light on Miles and turn him completely sober: a small guitar pick that he had once when he first met the love of his life at a BBQ. It's small seemingly insignificant things like that guitar pick that remind us of better times and just inspire new hope. Suddenly Miles was a new man: he stood up to Bass's crap, decided to do things his way not Monroe's, decided to be the good guy and actually act like it, no more innocent people were going to get caught in the crossfire. 

The many times of Charlie & Miles

           Miles told Charlie he couldn't undo the things he's done in the past, but he could try and make up for them right now. I saw that through out the series, Miles was trying to find something to fight for. He was still kind of running away from himself. He would do the easy thing because the right way was too hard and he felt that maybe he would just mess everything up again if he tried to do the right thing. But Miles finally broke out of his dark hole (literally AND figuratively) and found the light. Miles discovered that he wasn't just fighting for Charlie and Rachel, he was fighting for everyone. Miles will always be ready to fight for what's right. He won't want to rebuild his own militia but he'll certainly fight for everyone's freedom to choose what kind of future they want. 


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