Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Almost Human: Favorite Scenes: "Pilot"

              Since Almost Human has been on hiatus I've decided to point out my favorite scenes of each episode starting with the Pilot. I won't do every episode in this blog post but do one each week.

           I do love the writing of this show. There are two scenes that I love as they coincide with each other. In the beginning where John was leading the raid on EnSyndicate, John ordered an MX to lead him into the fray where his human partner was in need of rescuing. The MX debated that it was illogical to risk many lives over one life. John just tells the MX to lead him in. In a later scene we see John in a similar situation where he had to rescue a police officer's life, but he didn't have to order Dorian to do anything. Dorian said, "I'll lead you in?" Despite an MX's protest, John turned to Dorian and said: "Let's go." 

          John said to Maldonado that he didn't want to be partnered with an android of any kind because they place logic over what we may call "a gut feeling". MX's run statistics and have no emotion whatsoever. The scene where Dorian bypassed the MX's despite their orders for him to halt because there was a "bomb" in the building, I saw that John was a little surprised. That small tiny moment was when John saw that Dorian was different; he follows his gut not his hard wired program. 

       Another scene I love is when John was very brutally interrogating one of the bank robbers and Dorian made sure to cover the room so no one would see. John didn't need to say anything (I doubt he cared) but we see a bit of how DRNs given their synthetic souls act differently than MXs. An MX wouldn't have been considerate like that. And even though John told Dorian to butt out, Dorian calmly pointed out that the suspect had shot himself in the leg, getting some real answers (or lies given what happens later). 

       Later John warns Dorian that if he told anyone what happened in that room he'd send him to the scrap yard. Yet Dorian shot back, "I will report something if I think it needs to be reported." There we see that this car scene also paralleled a previous scene where John pushed an MX out of his car because it was going to report his seizure and how he was seen in an area where black market medicine was practiced. Dorian shows that he is not an android driven by rules or stats or numbers but he runs on empathy. 

        Very good scenes. John & Dorian's partnership started out rocky but by the end of the episode it was cemented. Next week I'll point out my favorite scenes from "Skin".

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