Sunday, February 16, 2014

Almost Human: Will it Live or Die?

            Okay, I've had just about enough of people saying Almost Human is getting the boot then someone saying it's likely to be renewed. I'm getting panic attacks and I'm a very calm person! These mixed messages prevent me from fully enjoying the show!

A fembot with a gun wearing fish nets? HOT

        I understand why fans are nervous. FOX doesn't have the best track record for it's science fiction projects; I mean look at Firefly. Also that people view FOX in a very negative light. I've been reading Youtube comments of Almost Human clips and many of them are very supportive and excited about the show. Yet some of the comments took some shots at FOX: "It's a great show, but only one problem: It's on FOX" and "I don't watch FOX period. But I will just for this show." I apologize to FOX and I don't want to cast aspersions on your network but I myself have been sharing the same feelings of frustration.

Some cadavers are just latex, metal, & wires

       Sci-Fi shows can be expensive so I see why FOX is on the fence. Despite it's steady numbers (even against the Olympics  I might add while The Following took a big hit), FOX does have a budget they don't want to go over. Still I want to say that if the show does get renewed I would be fine with 10-12 episode seasons. SyFy does it all the time because they know it's expensive. Yes each network has its own standards. The CW probably is more in touch with its audience but also because their main attraction was The Vampire Diaries and they wanted more viewers so now I watch The CW probably 5 days a week. Most of my favorite shows are on The CW while other networks pale in comparison. Yet The CW cancels shows too like Tomorrow People has been given the axe and I think Beauty and the Beast won't be given a Season 3. 

Don't call it in just yet

     I graduated college with a degree in Radio/TV/Film so I know the business better than I did a few years ago. However, I'm also a writer and see that Almost Human is an amazing story that has had nothing but great reviews because of it's individuality. Almost Human is Robocop + Blade Runner + Terminator with a dash of Fringe thrown in creating one mind blowing show. The show already has an intense following that is imploring FOX to give this sic-fi cop procedural a chance. They gave Fringe a chance, why not Almost Human? If FOX renews this show I promise they will have more viewers than before and would have the gratitude and loyalty of fans (many of whom are all over the world). I just want to breathe again, FOX, please renew Almost Human!

Almost Human fans wait with bated breath...

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