Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Vampire Diaries & The Originals: Why I Hate the Witches

         So far I'm getting real tired of these witch bitches messing with our favorite fanged characters. I mean, Bonnie gets a pass since she helps her fanged friends but there are still times when she gets on my nerves. Like when she blamed Stefan for her grandmother's death; if anybody recalls, Bonnie was begging for her Grams to help her friends so I'll call that misplaced blame because of her deep guilt. I was willing to tolerate the witches but human sacrifice pushes it over the line! Say what you will about vampires and werewolves, but at least they don't hide what they are and they kill to eat; killing to give you power is just hypocritical! 

      Davina has been especially victimized by the people she thought were her family. That makes me a Davina fan and I hope she gets the vengeance and the normal life she wants. Witches claim to be servants of Mother Nature, there has to be some balance to the world. They hate vampires because they think no one should cheat death. Personally I see vampirism a second chance at life. I would just like to point out that vampires can die so I don't know what the witches are bitching about. The witches call the vampires monsters well the French Quarter seem more like monsters to me with sacrificing their own children. 

          And what about Qetsiyah?! Bitch created a Purgatory so her ex-fiance couldn't be with his true love. Granted he did lie to her and use her, but still ripping Amara apart and then giving Silas her heart was a bit extreme. It's still selfish of her to put everyone through such misery. Then there's Esther. For an all powerful witch she was certainly a push over when it came to her domineering dick of a husband. First she wants to save her children from death, which is what any normal mother would do, then 1,000 years later she tries to murder her own children. Her excuse was "There must be a balance". This witch forgot the most important role she had to play: being a MOTHER first. 

          On The Originals, when Sophie was all cool instead of a born again witch, she was completely against the whole Harvest idea. She even went to Father Kieran to help her stop the witch elders. Instead of listening to reason, Agnes (a witch I'm glad Elijah killed) put a hex on Kieran's nephew, Sean, making him have a psychotic break and murder several priests including himself. Hexing vampires I understand but come on! Hurting some poor guy's nephew is sinking to a new low! 

        My question for the French Quarter witches is this: if the girls are going to come back then why did they lie about how they were killing them? If they have so much faith in the ritual then it shouldn't have been an issue. My theory is that the girls won't come back and will join the dead witch community. Then Agnes tried to kill the Mikaelson Miracle Baby by causing Hayley to miscarry. That made me sick. I suppose I shouldn't expect less from people who would slaughter their own daughters like lambs. I was praying the whole episode of "Fruit of the Poisoned Tree" that Klaus would snap that bitch Agnes's neck or rip her a part. Instead, that gorgeous smooth Original in a suit, Elijah did it for him. Elijah's a man who keeps his word but doesn't tolerate people who mess with members of his family. That's more compassion than I can say the witches have shown for their own.

         I think the witches put too much stock in the power of the spirits. Esther says that she's been on the Other Side as a punishment for turning her children immortal. That was actually Qetsiyah's fault. Being stuck on the Other Side has little to do with your sins and more to do with your species. If witches are so holier than thou then how come most of them are in that Purgatory? Even God doesn't judge sins so harshly. Mother Nature's turning out to be a real bitch. When Bonnie used Expression, the Spirits made her believe that she couldn't perform magic anymore. Taking a witch's mojo is like castration! To me the spirits are capricious and fickle; who knows what they really want.

          I think the witches took it upon themselves to uphold some sacred balance to tie down their own already huge egos. Witches are no different from everybody else; they have doubts, they hate, they love, they fear, and they are just as narcissistic about their own abilities as the next guy. Nature has a knack for balancing herself out and like Sophie said, Nature has her loopholes. Nature was fine before humanity, she'll be fine after you're gone.

       If I were a witch I wouldn't judge my fanged, undead friends so harshly. Sure if they try to hurt innocent bystanders I'll step in but I won't let that go to my head. Besides why do humans get a pass? They are just as corruptible, greedy, and immoral. Remember the Holocaust? Then there's rape, regular murder, incest, and any other horrible thing you can think of, humans have done it. Despite what the witches believe, the vampires and werewolves do have a code of honor (well most do). Marcel has a rule about abusing kids, Elijah likes to keep his word, and Klaus saved a boy from being whipped by a cruel overseer. Vampires and Werewolves have all the same fears and insecurities that we do. Do they do evil things? Yes, but no more than any human would do. So I'm pro-vampire. Suck it, witches! :P



  1. Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books. Sure, I understand. You are young you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a Vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, But how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the Vampires Lord on his Email:

  2. I personally Don't hate the witches they are my favorite supernaturals beings. Also why the heck u talking about humans are corruptible,and immoral as if u aren't a human too u bitch and qetsiyah didn't mean for everyone to go to the other side please be reminded that if a supernatural creatures lives a good life they find peace and yeah Bonnie had all right to blame Stefan if Stefan and Damon didn't show up in Elena's life her grams would have never died he just had to know her because she looks like Katherine however I do hate the french quarter Witches I hate every single one of them, Esther had all right to wanting to kill her children her own son infact rip her heart out ,this ends the story not all witch hates vampires
